Hey Neomorph, To your first question, the best way to return from the mun (assuming you are looking to land back on kerbin or go back to low orbit) is to wait until you are positioned in your mun orbit so that the mun is travelling directly toward you and you are there is a 90 degree angle between the kerbin-mun line and mun-spacecraft line. (That was probably confusing but hopefully you got it.) At that point burn propogade to escape, and you should move into an ellipticall orbit with apoapsis at mun level, and a fairly low periapsis that you can adjust to suit yourself. As for your last question, it is more efficient to travel from the mun to minmus, but as max warp speeds can be quite low in mun orbit and the mun minmus window doesn't come round very often, it might be more convenient to just return to kerbin. Hope that helps. feel free to ask any more questions!