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    The Crimson Rocketeer

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  1. This has pretty much turned into a battle between those who think that devs should do what they want to do, and those who think devs should do what the players want them to do. My opinion on all this is that people shouldn't try to force a dev to do what they want. But if you're going to make a stink about something, at least have experience in game development or programming, so you can understand how difficult all these decisions are, and how much work goes into one seemingly small thing. This is not trying to say that no one here has the experience to know what they're going through, but odds are, most people don't. TL;DR: Don't be a .... to developers because they don't do EXACTLY what you want, they spend incredible amounts on time on the seemingly minuscule features. Having experience with programming or game development makes it slightly better, but barely.
  2. Based on info from SilverFox (great idea, right?) it's supposed to pack (physics unload) a part when it's "shielded from the air-stream", which is apparently when it's in a cargo bay or fairing.
  3. Unless Bahamuto decides to modify DMP, or darklight does it for him, this'll never happen.
  4. I take it to be a success? I've been looking into something similar-ish to this for merging large chunks of structure, like the 1x1 and 2x2 armor plates. I've currently nicknamed the idea "Physics-Weld" and it would work by merging the component on a part that handles physics (called a rigidbody) into one component for a group of parts, so that the physics would be calculated on a group scale rather than a individual scale. The modder irc is "#kspmodders", you can access it from kiwiirc (same client as the #kspofficial link on the top of the forums) or on "webchat.esper.net".
  5. Here you go, I've not tested it yet, but the people on the modders irc think it looks good. Give me any feedback, if it works well I'll make a proper thread for the mod. http://www./download/j3332b6xw96hphi/Stowed_Physics_Disabler.zip
  6. Well sorta... I'll try to make one, give me a short while.
  7. You'd need to write a module that detected stowed parts and made their rigidbody's kinematic (last time I checked that was the best way to disable physics on a part).
  8. Hey Bahamuto, If you wouldn't mind sharing, what software do you use for modelling/texturing? I'm not sure if you're just busy IRL, but you should stop by #kspmodders a bit more often, we won't bite.
  9. Ha, that mod, I may look into taking it over at some point. Funny coincidence actually, Bahamuto actually made it after being inspired by Kerbsplosions.
  10. Well the rewrite is almost done, so you won't have to wait much longer. Currently, we're not covering anything directly related to heat, but I will be rewriting the damage system at some point and will be adding something along those lines.
  11. I'd recommend waiting for our rewrite, but yes, the explosions will harm all vessels, kerbals, and (hopefully) structures. We're also hopefully going to get some more spectacular visual effects in soon-ish, which should help quite a bit.
  12. Major rewrite on the way! New, more efficient ray casting, better integrity, and the framework for the upcoming heat system!
  13. Hello, I'd like to ask if I could fold BAM into my mod Kerbsplosions, seeing as you've stopped development. A response either here, or on #kspmodders, which I am frequently active on, would work fine. If you respond via irc, please make sure I'm around first, or I won't get the message otherwise.
  14. I have, but it's kind'a annoying to write patches for MM, and I need to get some stuff setup for automatically giving explosion range/strength to the parts. For integrity we were thinking of just ripping off Crash Tolerance but with a modifier added. I'm planning on implementing code stuff for giving values if they aren't defined, so it will be quite easy to make one soon. Sorry if this response is a little rambling, it's late here and I lose the ability to make coherent sentences as the night goes on...
  15. Recompiled for 0.90! Head on over to the Kerbal Stuff page to download the new version! 0.90 is now safe to be destroyed!
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