Hey all, First things first, i'm visiting a Easter Egg in kerbin's desert, if you don't want to see it, don't watch the video When the 0.20 update came out for KSP I decided to play it clean ( without plugins ) because they needed updating so they didn't work anyway. But as I was playing I remembered this great Jet I had build with a car strapped on the back before I used any plugins. So I though it would be fun to use that jet to visit the desert easter egg on Kerbin since I had never been there before, and I wanted to test the range of the jet. Download link for the jet: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21807521/Jetplane%20with%20Car.zip IMPORTANT TIP: Keep transferring fuel from the back to the front or else the jet will flip over it's back and go into a spiral down to kerbin. Also, don't go above 16 km, to be save just stay around 10 - 12 km. Here's the video:
Hope you enjoyed =)