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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. The full version 0.15 contains not only Mun but Minmus, which is used to get a harder challenge.
  2. A mod originally created as a stock part by Mrbrownce, edited by me. FL-C2000 tank uses 2500 units of fuel instead of 500, 5 times as much fuel. Full weight: 4, empty weight: 1.0.
  3. As a result, we need to show all ranks and what objectives to get a specific rank.
  4. Hello to Kerbal Space Program!
  5. However, you need some skill to get to Mun. I have did it once. Also, 16/0=? should be found for ?x0=16. That means divide by zero is undefined.
  6. Have played Kerbal Space Program for 7 months. If everything was like in reality, it wouldn\'t be Kerbal Space Program.
  7. Welcome to the Spacecraft Assigner Poll! Here many older users, moderators and admins should vote.
  8. If your rocket is not stable enough (i.e negative stability), then you used too much ASAS, struts, and engines. It can result in a structular failure.
  9. 2500 succeses, 138 failures, 258 rockets. 1792+251-138=1905.
  10. I\'m a master of KSP with over 250 rockets, 2500 succeses. 250x10=2500.
  11. For example, I have created 272 rockets and got 980 succeses with the spacecraft combined.
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