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Hello moto

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Posts posted by Hello moto

  1. If you could mix any amount of games with ksp which ones would they be? Which parts of those games and why?

    Personally I'd have the universe of Space Engine, the creative ability of minecraft, and construction of space engineers as well as some of the features from starbound. I'd play that game all day everyday.

    And of course I'd have the realistic space flight of KSP.

  2. This had the potential to be hilariously stupid.

    I landed on Minmus for the first time ever today. On descent, I still had some fuel left in the capture stage, so I used what little I had to arrest the free fall slightly (Everylittle bit of fuel counts right?). Once the fuel was used I decoupled and started landing stage. I watched as the the long skinny fuel tank fell away with the engine attached, and thought it would be a good idea to gage just how close the ground was. So watching both the speed and the tank I was satisfied with my idea as it exploded. Or so I thought. The engine exploded and threw the tank straight back up. I watched it get closer and closer and it wasn't slowing down. My hands were frozen as it came up at about 100m/s relative to my lander... Luckily it missed by literally two meters. I had to keep an eye on it on the way down but luckily it landed some 300 meters away.

    And every little bit of fuels DOES count. Long story short, my munar lander ran out of fuel while still sub orbital so brave Jev got out and pushed for half an hour to get a 100x6 polar orbit. I built a 'pusher' rescue because I hadn't unlocked docking ports when I launched it so I had to literally push the ship the rest if the way... Until that ran out of fuel. I figured it out that poor edfrey has to now push for an hour to get an aerocapture... Pretty bloody annoying!!

  3. I laughed a little when I detached my Duna lander (at very low altitude) from the interplanetary hauler, deorbited, was about to release the parachutes only to see the altimeter very quickly decrease in numbers. A flurry of movement as I tried to turn the craft and arrest the fast descent only to smack into the ground before I really understood what was going on. I laughed then reloaded. That was 6 kerbals dead.

  4. One thing I noticed is that when they started the engines to get away, they melted the ice they were on and sort of sunk a little. That could be a problem if not prepared for.

    And I loved it, can't believe I only just recently have found it.

  5. I had a wonderful dream where I was in charge of Earths entire vehicle production, KSP style. I was making all kinds of crazy contraptions which people were flying around. I remember most of my dream was spent flying around the planet and random cities in my corvette looking SSTO. I would go up to high altitude to do long distance travel, were I had to avoid a Gravity like cloud of debris (Cos I watched it before I went to bed) which was actually realistic. Then I had to defend Earth using the military stuff I've made. It was great and fantastic. I still remember vividly flying around New York and my country side in Australia. It was awesome.

  6. No. Just like minecraft, a need to use outside sources to get information on basic controls and gameplay is a failure of the game's design. Can you imagine the flak that CoD would have gotten if you had to go to an outside wiki to know the keybind to crouch?

    Ten buttons to press to find crouch in cod, and about 7 seconds to find the right button. Not a very good comparison.

    Only a failure if it wasn't intended.

    I for one believe more games should force gamers online to look for keybinds if they don't want to experiment. It means they come across communities like this. It's how it happened for me, and I'm glad it happened.

    I am growing to absurdly dispise games that come with all these instructions on how to play and keybind lists.

  7. I've always wanted to see what would happen if you had the exact, or close to exact, thrust against the gravity pulling you. So I Hyperedited a craft out to 80,000,000 meters from Kerbin and basically stopped my orbit and let my self free fall. then I activated the ion engines and watched as my probes' orbital speed slowed. Then as it reached 0.0 m/s, this happened.


    Has anyone had anything different happen if they have tried this?

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