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Everything posted by Patq911

  1. This is helpful, but in general, how big is your window for each of the 3? Also, is the ejection velocity how fast you have to go, or that much faster than what you're already going?
  2. I feel like I'm too dumb for this. Can someone explain further? Let's say I want to get to Duna from Kerbin at a 100km parking orbit. The calculator that Olex made is helpful, if I knew how to use it. Also, I am using MechJeb. What is a Phase Angle, and how do I get there? 44.36° What is an ejection angle, and how do I get there? 150.91° What is an ejection velocity and how to I get there? 3289.2 m/s If just someone could explain further and much clearer, then I can figure this out, but these to me are just random numbers.
  3. Can anyone explain the 'edit path' more? The manual does not do a good job. Example, I want a 100km orbit, what is a good setting for the 'edit path'?
  4. Yeah, these are way too powerful to actually use, I suggest turning them down a little bit.
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