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Inspirational... Or if a comedic aura is required.. LOL
I won't be missing work and I probably won't be downloading it on release.. I plan to wait for the hotpatch that will come out on the 29th... You don't really believe that it will release bug free now do you?
Does anyone else think 1.0 is coming out tommorow?
Meraco replied to armandleggames's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I think the company line is.. "It comes out, when it comes out" "Its ready, when its ready" "It will be released, when its released" -
Just found some awesome way to land on low-g worlds with KAS
Meraco replied to cicatrix's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Just like they did for the movie Deep Impact. They tethered onto the comet. -
[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485
Meraco replied to Nereid's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Very disappointing. Started a new game that included FF. Did many missions, clocked 80 in game kerbal days. over 2 - 3 weeks of real game time. Never had the game crash. Today I start up and do my usual checks which includes the FF roster and to my dismay.. it's all gone.. no mission time logged for any kerbals, no ribbons, nothing. it is as though it was all reset somehow. Such a shame.. I got this mod for the very reason it advertises. And in the end, it was all for nothing, as I am back to square one. Aside from the name and vanilla game skill sets. The kerbals have reverted back to being undecorated clones.. I truly hope this gets worked out for 1.0 release.. until then, I have no choice but to remove the mod indefinitely as I am disheartened by this failure. -
Fair enough.. I was just trying to get a sense of whether were looking at weeks or months.. reason I ask is because I am still running an earlier version with a few mods. I was about to DL to .90, but if 1.0 is just around the corner I would wait.
That narrows it down
I am positive this has been asked already. But I did 10 searches with various headers and I can't find anything on the subject. In Short, When is the planned release of 1.0 ? Kerbite since .19
I started off with default values on all the parts. But once I completed the tech tree and all parts were accessible I began to mod the specs on many different parts. As a way to justify the modifications, I would simply assume that advancement in tech was not limited to the completed tech tree. And that parts became more efficient and more expensive over time, such as engine isp and such. I have come to enjoy my improved parts so much, the problem I now have is when KSP gets updated each time. I have to do it all over again.
This exact thing happened to me. but on Duna in .20.2. I would take the rover and drive towards the base. as I approached about 200 - 400 meters, the station simply exploded completely. I luckily had a previous quicksave and reloaded.. tried different approaches with the rover.. same results. I then tried to load from the base instead. all was fine. I tried loading from the lander and flew it closer 500m - 200m- 85m landed got kerbals out.. walked to the base.. all was fine.. It only exploded when I approached with the rover. even if it was 5 km away.. and it came within the 2.2 km .. the base would load ok. I got closer and closer.. then at about 328m. boom.. base explodes.. weird.. Because of this. I don't use rovers except on the Mun.. it is the only place it seems to work so far. For all else I bring extra fuel and fly a pin point landing near a base or place of interest.
EA.. - First they would make it a DRM and you would need to be connected online at all times. - Then they would eliminated any ability to make or use mods. - Upon this platform you would then be bombarded by DLC (s) which would basically be the very mods we now enjoy. - The servers would be full and you would not be able to log on to play and would have to wait in queue. - The save games would take place on those DRM servers "not on your computer" but would mysteriously become corrupt and you would lose any saved game state. - The head of EA would feed you the company line that the game "only" runs on the DRM server because it makes complex calculations. Then someone would make a video on You Tube showing you that its an outright lie. - Meta scores would fall due to client dissatisfaction. - The forums would be full of people raging about the DRM and EA involvement. But the EA fan boys would come to the rescue and tell you how your wrong to feel that way, and that you should feel differently. - Several people would want their money back, but EA would tell them that if they did a credit card reversal they would lose access to all the other games they paid for at the EA store. - Hate mail would be sent to the devs with petitions, threats of class action litigations, and personal stories how Squad's choice to join with EA has ruined their kerbal lives. - The game would sell several copies and EA would reap the rewards as Squad was handed a bone and told to bend over as a whisper filled the air. "ya like that don't ya?" In the end, The game as we know it would radically change for the worse and the gaming community would be disheartened that there was nothing they could do to stop it. I would resign from the Kerbal Space Program for good and walk away disgusted.
Oddly I was able to read it, and completely understand every word the OP was trying to convey. If lack of punctuation is problematic .. I would hate to think what the following must do for your synapsis. Although.. the punctuation is present "I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseaethe huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!"
My first attempt slammed into the ground at over 100m/s. I waited too long to arrest the decent. and did not have the power to prevent the collision at that point. Miscalculation as I tried to preserve fuel. My second attempt was successful. Now there is a permanent base, rover, and shuttle runs without incident.
I cant fly planes in KSC. For some reason they are far too sensitive to control smoothly <-- (is that a word?) They have little to no glide capability. So I put all effort in the exploration of the Kerbol system. I have since been able to work up to landing and returning from Mun, Minmus, Duna. I have a space station around Kerbin and Duna. There is a permanent base on the Mun, Minmus and Duna. and various shuttles to move kerbals around between them. I currently have 2 satellites outbound to Jool and Eeloo.
Scott Manley, Hands down the best front man for KSP vids. His voice is clear, he has a professional disposition, mild humor and does his homework with facts and data. He holds your interest to the very end.