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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Ok so I've played around a bit and I have managed to do it. The states you can set it to are: STOWED (Before used of after repacked) SEMIDEPLOYED (Before it deploys fully) Deployed (Duh) CUT (After it's used or destroyed) Now, setting the state to STOWED puts the parachute back but you need to set the actions accordingly as well. Deploy needs to be set to True while the other two False. This however will just pack your parachute and make it unusable. You also need to find the "Staged" parameter and set it to False. This in my case opened the parachute straight away, as I was on the last stage...might work differently if you are not on the stage where the parachute is deployed. Hope this helps someone in the future
  2. That is a very good idea! Will try that and report back
  3. Yes my experimentation has shown that the CUT state needs to be change...but I've tried PAC, PACKED, REP, REPACKED and nothing worked. I've tried DEPLOYED and that did work but it was not the one I needed
  4. Hey guys, On my mission to EVE, just before landing I did a quicksave just to be sure. Sure enough the craft landed on a hill, fell over the the mobile materials lab got destroyed. So I reloaded and found out that all my parachutes are really tiny and have basically no drag. Looking over the quicksave, I managed to find the parachute parts but I cannot figure out how to make them ...for example packed again so I can redeploy them. I've tried messing with it but so far to no avail, any save guru out there can help me? Thanks Sample parachute code PART { name = parachuteRadial uid = 269360885 mid = 3478275315 parent = 0 position = 0.215501502156258,0.18628978729248,0.373259514570236 rotation = 0.04975883,-0.9458407,0.1750885,0.2688003 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 0 dstg = 0 sqor = -1 sidx = -1 attm = 1 srfN = srfAttach, 0 mass = 0.15 temp = 14.08194 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = True flag = Squad/Flags/default rTrf = parachuteRadial EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } MODULE { name = ModuleParachute isEnabled = True persistentState = CUT deployAltitude = 50 minAirPressureToOpen = 0.01 staged = True deployAltitude_UIFlight { controlEnabled = True minValue = 50 maxValue = 5000 stepIncrement = 50 } minAirPressureToOpen_UIFlight { controlEnabled = True minValue = 0.01 maxValue = 0.5 stepIncrement = 0.01 } EVENTS { Deploy { active = False guiActive = True guiIcon = Deploy Chute guiName = Deploy Chute category = Deploy Chute guiActiveUnfocused = True unfocusedRange = 4 externalToEVAOnly = True } CutParachute { active = False guiActive = True guiIcon = Cut Parachute guiName = Cut Parachute category = Cut Parachute guiActiveUnfocused = True unfocusedRange = 4 externalToEVAOnly = True } Repack { active = True guiActive = False guiIcon = Repack Chute guiName = Repack Chute category = Repack Chute guiActiveUnfocused = True unfocusedRange = 4 externalToEVAOnly = True }
  5. Going to space center and back fixed the issue! Thanks a lot!
  6. Hey guys, I'm having bit of an issue docking with a station I've decoupled from. Nothing much to add really. I have decoupled, adjusted my rotation, could not dock back. So I got some distance from it...over 100 meters. Came back in, nothing. Docking ports just ignore each other. Would really appreciate some insight on the matter, thanks
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