Hey guys, On my mission to EVE, just before landing I did a quicksave just to be sure. Sure enough the craft landed on a hill, fell over the the mobile materials lab got destroyed. So I reloaded and found out that all my parachutes are really tiny and have basically no drag. Looking over the quicksave, I managed to find the parachute parts but I cannot figure out how to make them ...for example packed again so I can redeploy them. I've tried messing with it but so far to no avail, any save guru out there can help me? Thanks Sample parachute code PART { name = parachuteRadial uid = 269360885 mid = 3478275315 parent = 0 position = 0.215501502156258,0.18628978729248,0.373259514570236 rotation = 0.04975883,-0.9458407,0.1750885,0.2688003 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 0 dstg = 0 sqor = -1 sidx = -1 attm = 1 srfN = srfAttach, 0 mass = 0.15 temp = 14.08194 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = True flag = Squad/Flags/default rTrf = parachuteRadial EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } MODULE { name = ModuleParachute isEnabled = True persistentState = CUT deployAltitude = 50 minAirPressureToOpen = 0.01 staged = True deployAltitude_UIFlight { controlEnabled = True minValue = 50 maxValue = 5000 stepIncrement = 50 } minAirPressureToOpen_UIFlight { controlEnabled = True minValue = 0.01 maxValue = 0.5 stepIncrement = 0.01 } EVENTS { Deploy { active = False guiActive = True guiIcon = Deploy Chute guiName = Deploy Chute category = Deploy Chute guiActiveUnfocused = True unfocusedRange = 4 externalToEVAOnly = True } CutParachute { active = False guiActive = True guiIcon = Cut Parachute guiName = Cut Parachute category = Cut Parachute guiActiveUnfocused = True unfocusedRange = 4 externalToEVAOnly = True } Repack { active = True guiActive = False guiIcon = Repack Chute guiName = Repack Chute category = Repack Chute guiActiveUnfocused = True unfocusedRange = 4 externalToEVAOnly = True }