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Everything posted by Sagverk

  1. Yea, the annoying thing is that you have undock all 4 clamps manually, until you are totally disconnected...Is it possible to assign an "action group" on docking ports?(haven't checked) But the good thing is that you save alot of time, instead of align, miss, re-align, curse, go make a cup of coffee, re-align again, miss, etc(could be my skills that sucks nuts) but of course, with the method SSSPutnik described with help of MechJeb, it's probably fairly easy with some practice to dock all 4 ports.
  2. It works for me everytime I've used it, about 100-150 times or so I'll fetch a better picture of it, and post one later. This also works for dual-dock, havent tried triple-dock yet.
  3. I made an quad-docking port that guarentee 100% dock\lock on all 4 docking ports. just take away the 2x2 plates on the other thing you are docking to, and VOILA, Perfect fit The 2x2 Plates are slightly tilted outward, so it works like a funnel. Can't fail
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