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Everything posted by brepo

  1. Thanks for the new version. But may I suggest that the old way of reporting delta-v (per stage, now stages without engines are added together) was better? With the new system I have to actually monitor the fuel of the tanks that I want to jettision when using asparagus staging. In version the displayed (in flight) delta-v reached zero as soon as the tanks of a stage were empty (and therefore useless ballast).
  2. The bug seems to be with the version of ModuleManager being linked by DeadlyReentry. ildasm says for DeadlyReentry.dll: but the included ModuleManager.dll has the version .ver 1:0:4914:41184 . This means that the dll was compiled with an older version of ModuleManager. Therefore the game moans about being unable to locate the assembly with the older version. Recompilation with the new version or including the specified version of ModuleManger.dll would fix this.
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