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Credible Hulk

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Everything posted by Credible Hulk

  1. I was in the theater yesterday waiting for the movie to start and I noticed something in the Pacific Rim promo that I didn't last time. During the obligatory suit-up sequence in the giant robots there was a computer voice. I could swear it was GlaDOS! Same voice actor same filter. I'm not a fan of type casting but this seems pretty cool. I should probably take the ten seconds of googling it would take to find out her name but I'm to busy saving kerbals from the danger I put them in. protip: If you need to pad your resume' just say you were the voice of Chel. Aren't we all?
  2. Several minutes with or without mods. not a new system, or an expensive one. :\
  3. My first mission beyond Mun I aimed for Eve and ended up on Duna. It was a poorly planned mission and my first manned impactor in full version.
  4. Based on my experience it's definitely force. I had a kerbal step out of a capsule and into a chair on a small rocket before launch. He made it the whole flight but it was a short flight without a lot of delta v. On a separate trip I flipped a Mun rover off the ground, my kerbal landed some meters from it alive. I think if there were stronger seat belts he might have snapped his neck. It's a side effect of believable physics as far as I can tell. side note- when I heard about the external chairs the first thing I thought of was motorcycles, the chairs imply risk.
  5. I pile a bunch of sas modules on radial docking ports on the top stage and put an asas module below a decoupler. I get the advantage of asas controlling the winglets on ascent without having to deal with it later. If I need to lose the weight I undock the extra sas.
  6. hey, Maybe I should know this. Is there a way to change my flag after I've chosen it without starting a new savegame? Thanks in advance.
  7. We already deal with things stranger than life on Earth, software. The programs made by genetic algorithms don't use anything resembling common sense to us but they get the job done. If something grabs a voyager disc intact they're doing it in interstellar space. If they can match the trajectory of a random object there then they aren't on a generation ship and are way more advanced. Even if the aliens themselves can't translate the message their tech should be able to, regardless of how the information is coded or what medium the original communication used. We aren't the ones trying to communicate with morons using crop circles and cattle mutilations. If we're constantly coming up with new ways to extract information from signal noise why can't they? As for the "average" alien doing the translation maybe it would just scan the disc and crowdsource it to the gww. Just my two cents.
  8. Thanks whoever made that He-Man/Alanis Moriset video, for managing to ruin two things I already didn't like. *slow clap* I think my soul just vomited.
  9. The Shaihulud has come to Kerbin! and was killed by the humidity.
  10. Hi, I'm new here. The wiki has useful information but nowhere can I find out why all the Kerbals look like Bill Hader. Is it just me or did anyone else notice?
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