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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It's easy enough, plenty of info here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30559-20-And-mods
  2. I have tried messing with all of those things, and nothing is changing. Do I need to edit the Material settings in Blender first? I have edited my alpha channel, and I know it's there, it's just not seeming to be any different between diffuse or spec.
  3. I tried using a couple different shaders, including the KSP/Diffuse and KSP/Specular. Even playing with the settings, everything was so shiny, which I didn't want. I want more of a matte paint, especially since my pod's white paint makes them look like lightbulbs. My models don't look that reflective until they are in KSP. :'( I'm thinking my answer lies in creating bump maps. I'm really new to texturing, so thanks for any and all help
  4. I was wondering if there was any documentation post forum nuking regarding these items? I'm mostly coming across dead links. Also, thanks to everyone on this forum, there is an incredible amount of info available here. Here are my main questions: How do fixed light animations work (ie the stock spotLight)? I'm not sure if this is done through emissives, as it is my understanding they only used for variable input/output lighting and animations. How do I setup parachutes? I get what's in the cfgs but I'm not sure where to define the hinge that the parachute will swing on, and really not too sure of other Unity specific things regarding them. With solar panels, I want to know similarly how their animations are made game ready in Unity, ie how to define the rotating point, and what to tag the game object for the solar panel face. And one last odd question: I am very very new to texturing, could someone guide me to a resource for reducing model glare? Or just a good texturing resource would even be helpful, I'm pretty bad.
  5. Thanks Rich. The model was actually executing in the correct order, but I did manage to solve it after fumbling around with the import setting for longer than I care to admit. What actually solved it was changing the default take animation (not the actual animation) to start at 0 instead of -1. I'm feeling pretty dumb that it ended up being such an easy fix, and sorry for a waste of a thread :/
  6. Disclaimer: I only started modelling/texturing a couple weeks ago, however I am proficient with programming and computers in general. For my first project, I have an animated antenna that extends outward and then expands outward. I did the raw model in it's expanded or opened state with the animations in their finished positions. I was able to get it into the game successfully (awesome resources ftw), but I'm running into another issue. The model will load in it's opened form, then when the animation executes, it instantly reverts to it's closed state and then starts the opening animation. Anyone know if there is a way I can fix this to where it will load into the game at the beginning of it's animation, besides redoing the model and animation? I tried to keep it brief, but I can provide more detail as needed. Thanks in advance! PS: The reason I modeled it in it's finished state was that it was easier for me to have a dish fold up rather than model it in it's folded state and animate it opening.
  7. There are a couple threads regarding hwo to do this with the old .dae models, but it requires hex editing. To my knowledge, there is no way that you can edit .mu or .mbm extensions at this time in their native state.
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