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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yay I found it! For anyone in the same situation as me, it was located in C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\KSP\saves Thanks for your help sal_vager!
  2. That's a good idea, I will make a really weird name for a new save then look for that one!
  3. Yeah I figured as much, they are somewhere though because they come back when I start the game again without running as administrator... Any idea where I could start looking?
  4. KSP: 0.90 Windows 32bit Problem: Can't find my save files Mods installed: StageRecovery v1.5.2.1 Basically, I was having a problem getting the mod I installed to work. After releasing that it is most likely an issue with the game being installed in C:/Program Files (x86)/ I decided to do the basic troubleshooting of running the program as an administrator. This worked, but I didn't have any of my save files. So I have 2 different saves, one when running as administrator, one whilst not. When I go into the save file directory, it only shows the one when running it as an admin. I don't suppose anyone would know where I can find the missing save file? I could only get a log file for when running as an admin, when I don't run it as an admin the output_log.txt doesn't show up, probably due to write permissions. Log file
  5. BINGO! Can't wait to see his face all over the solar system.
  6. Bonus points for those who can guess who this is!
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