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Posts posted by DeliciousPi

  1. Quote

    I've always had this chronic problem of not being able to finish projects i've started. Stories, comics, art challenges. And yet these planet mods serve as the one piece of art and media that I have which connects me from the teenager I was in 2015 to the adult I am now. I'm a very different person than I was then, but some things never change.

    Wow, it's like looking in a mirror. I have a folder full of stories that are three-quarters done, some of which date back to seventh grade, because I can never be bothered to finish my work instead of jumping ship to something new and shiny. There is one project, though, that I've worked on continuously since I was fourteen. It's almost completely unrecognizable from what it was when I started (and better, I'd like to think), but still feels like a connection back to what my life was like when I started it. It's certainly a weird feeling.

    4 hours ago, GregroxMun said:

    The original Alternis Kerbol's dev thread was published December 13, 2013. Support ended before the release of KSP 0.23.5 on April 1st 2014. 3 months, and 19 days. (it's a fair bit longer if you account for the time until the mod actually broke, with the release of 1.0 on 27 April, 2015: 1 year, 4 months, 14 days)

    I was there! Wow... I was in ninth grade in 2014, and I remember daydreaming about AK/piles and piles of KSP mods all the time in school. I'd spend many of my lunch breaks looking up lists of mods, scribbling down links and patches that I could try to frankenstein together after school. I spent an entire weekend when 0.23.5 came out hacking AK to work with the new version, along with EVE and its brand-new volumetric clouds. I was absolutely ecstatic when I got it working at 15 FPS on my at-the-time brand new laptop.

    I'm in my third year of university now. My life, similarly to yours, has changed in many, many ways - my computer is different, my hobbies and friends and many of my interests are different; even my personality is different (thank god), and I'm on a vastly different path than I thought I'd be taking in university, one that's unfurled itself over years, that I wouldn't have ever guessed as a way forward for myself when I applied to my original program. The fact that all this time I've been playing the same game, even with a bunch of the same mods (or their successors, at least), is incredible to me - it's one of the very few things that's felt like a constant throughout the twisty course of my experiences thus far. So thank you, Gregrox, for continuing to help maintain that small link to my past in your efforts to continue this fantastic mod.

    (Sorry for the rant, I realize that it's not terribly relevant. In the interests of remaining on-topic: I'll have to try a Principa AKR playthrough next, now that they're both on 1.11! A Kerbin-Jool L1 station might be cool. Or L4/L5 stations.)

  2. 18 hours ago, GregroxMun said:


    here is a prerelease of the KSP 1.11.0 version of Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered, for use with RTB's Bleeding Edge Kopernicus for KSP 1.11.0


    Good god, man, releasing this right at the start of the semester? When I'm online and in front of my computer all day? It's like you're trying to fail me. Shame on you. :wink:

  3. See... I don't think FAR-like aerodynamics in the stock game would be a good thing. I *love* FAR, but... I feel as though this game already has a bit of a steep learning curve already with planes - I took me a long time to get the hang of them, but now they're my favorite form of spacecraft. I feel as though Squad should partner with FAR and promote it: casual players who like the stock aerodynamics can stay with them - that's fine. People like me, who like a bit more realism, can get FAR! Maybe there could also be somewhere in between, as others on this thread have suggested. I know that if FAR aerodynamics had been in the game when I first tried making planes... I probably would have gotten frustrated and given up, never finding my favorite form of transportation. Remember: a game like this needs a blend of accessibility and realism: FAR gives the realism but takes away some of the accessibility, in my opinion. Anyways, that's just my 2 cents.

  4. Well... this might sound a bit silly, but... if you want to return to the old level of Whackjob-Ness, maybe... ignore the new parts. I know I did; as someone who plays mostly sandbox, the new parts feel a bit unbalanced and OP... so I just ignored them. You want a challenge, Whack? build something big enough that it's a struggle to lift it with the 3.75 meter parts. Better yet, build one ship. One ship that will intercept an asteroid and land it on Kerbin. It dosen't matter what size. No parachutes. No 3.75 meter parts. No refueling. No orbital assembly. Just you, boosters, lag, and the forums. I mean, if you really wanted to go for it, land 5 asteroids next to each other in order of size. If you want to know my opinion: Do what you want. Do whatever you find fun. We'll love it anyways.

  5. Keptin... Thank you so, so much. I just figured that since I "knew" who made it, I should probably ask permission. It's just that most other explanations were unclear. Explaining it in words would have taken too long, due to the 2 1/2 minute time limit for the presentation. The fair's tomorrow, I'll let you know how it went. Unfortunately, the school has a blanket ban on pictures... If they catch you, it's grounds for suspension/expulsion. However, if I ever get to take it home perhaps I could take some pictures to show. In any case, If you want the info or report, just ask and I can upload them. Again, thank you!

  6. Hey, Keptin. First of all, thanks for the great tutorial. However... I'm doing a science project on the aerodynamics of paper planes with a buddy of mine. This thread first inspired us to come up with that idea. However, that's besides the point. We're doing our board right now, and were wondering: may we please print out the section of the guide where you explain the CoL with pictures and show it on our board? Just the part with the different wings with no fuelage and the blue CoL dot in the center. We will not modify it in any way, nor claim that it is ours or that we made it. You will be given full credit in the bilbliography. It's just... a really great visual explanation for the other students who will come by to look, far better than anything else we could find online... or draw. :P

  7. So... I'm sure I'm not the first to wonder this, but... are you going to be doing anything wih the new R.A.I.P.E.R. engines? In my personal experience so far, they make building SSTOs really, really easy... on my first try, I threw together 2 jet fuel tanks, 2 FLT 800s, and 2 R.A.I.P.E.Rs... and got into a 250 km orbit on first launch. WIth the jets/rockets combination, everyhing has taken at least 6 or 7 launches to work out. However, I would say that they are just short of being OP. (One nice thing is the instant response to throttle change in airbreathing mode... so nice...) I still think, however, that Jet + Rockets is still the better option... I mean, I sent one of my spaceplanes to a duna landing without refueling using two nukes... if that's possible with the new engines without boatloads of rocket fuel, then I'll eat my metaphorical hat. :P Also, the efficacy of the of the nukes means that you need less rocket fuel, which translates to less jet fuel to lift the rocket fuel, which results in smaller, faster, sleeker craft.

    TL;DR: The new engines are just short of OP, but for me, Jet + Nuke combos are stil superior. Will you be doing any designs with the R.A.P.I.E.Rs?

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