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Bottle Rocketeer
The editor is creating configuration files based on the cat/group name and on Windows at least, there's a bunch of characters which are not allowed in filenames (<>:"/\|*?). I'll see what I can do about it. And yeah, there are some issues with parsing of part files. I'll look into the stuff you mentioned.
Hey guys, I haven't followed KSP much lately and completely missed the shutdown of the spaceport. I'll upload the project to curse this weekend and see if I can get the sources to github. Yes, it's GNU GPL so sharing is good I feel like trying KSP again now that 0.24 is out
And fixed again
Hello, it is not dead, I just don't play KSP as often these days and the plugin is working for me quite fine (I don't use other UI mods though). I'll check what's wrong with the XML. Edit: Everything seems to work for me. Make sure you are editing the right part of the config file.
Awesome, thanks. That was the problem, it seems. I used fix based on MrShifty's code in the end, but at least it gave me some insight into what was going on. Anyway, the new version is up Btw. if you use TAB you can cycle various active inputs in the game, you can use that to get activate the text search without using mouse. It also selects the current text, so you can just start typing.
The "..." button disappears automatically if there are no applicable filter groups -- either the configuration was deleted, or all the defined groups are "empty". The same behaviour applies for groups in filter window, example: you define groups for KW Rocketry. Then you uninstall KW rocketry and those groups disappear from the UI. And if there are no groups at all, then the "..." button disappears as well. So I would check if the configuration is ok, esp. if you moved some files around. Regarding the subassembly manager...I was looking into it and it seems it's an actually a bug (or a feature of KSP) and affects also other plugins (tested also with Jeb's toolbox). The problem? It seems that from all plugins, that are declared as [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Editor, true)] public class FooBar : MonoBehaviour { ... } only one is actually initialized. I changed it to Startup.MainMenu and it seems to work. However the question is if this actually solve anything or if it will just transform the problem (of all the plugins declared to be created in the main menu, only one is chosen). I'll try to test more and hopefully publish a fix during this weekend.
Hello, apologies for the slight delay, but the next version is finally here The part loading issue is hopefully fixed. The editor is now looking basically for any cfg file. The editor itself got also quite a few improvements: - columns in the left pannel can be hidden/revealed from the View menu - there's a handy tooltip now that makes it much easier to read part descriptions. - parts are also filtered by a path to the cfg file (which now occupies a new column) - log can be copied into clipboard via context menu (was kinda useless before) I hope there no other issues (I'm don't have much time to play KSP now, so I cannot test it as much as I should). I didn't change the in-game filtering algorithm though (e.g. to filter by plugin as was suggested here), because the main idea was to have the text filter based on what is available in game when hovering over part (so that user can easily figure out why a certain part has been selected). In case you were wondering So thanks for the feedback and have fun.
Hmm, interesting. I use KW Rocketry myself and I don't have any problems with it. Which version do you use? The editor is essentially just searching for part.cfg files and then tries to parse them, so the problem could be in the parsing algorithm. Also, could you check the log in the editor (it's from menu View->Log) if it contains any errors? I'll download B9 and try to reproduce the problem.
There. I have uploaded a new release to KSP that contains fix for both issues. In addition, it is possible to change the location of the serach bar by editing the config.xml file (needs a restart though).
I think I could move the subassembly loader button a little bit to the right (the 0.20 versin is just a hotfix anyway) and/or add configuration options to change the placement of the search bar. I'll get to it later today.
Simple plugin for filtering of parts in VAB/SPH. Hello folks, I made this little plugin for filtering editor parts. Filtering works via text input and/or via user-defined categories and groups. These are defined manually by user (using the provided editor). I originally wanted to define the metrics on the fly, but I couldn't find any reliable way to make it work, so I opted for this approach instead. It takes some time to properly prepare all the groups, but at least you have full control over the filtering. Installation: Simply extract the archive into the GameData folder. How to use: Type text into the text box on the upper panel to filter parts by pattern matching (name, manufacturer, description). The "..." button toggles the group filtering window. This window shows part groups sorted into categories (columns). User can select multiple groups among multiple categories, the result filter is union/intersection of selected groups, e.g. all stock parts AND (engines OR fuel tanks). Drag the window title to move, drag the bottom right corner to resize. Groups and categories can be modified using the provided editor, which could be found at PartGroupsFilter\Tools\PartGroupsEditor.exe (requires .NET 4.0). You can define/change existing categories by right clicking on the right panel and add parts to them by dragging from the left panel. Don't forget to save. To disable this feature, simply delete the PartGroupsFilter\Plugins\PluginData folder. This also hides the "..." button, so you're effectively left with just the text filter. Positioning conflicts with other plugins can be resolved by editing the PartGroupsFilter\Plugins\PluginData\config.xml file, look for filterTop, filterLeft and filterWidth variables. Changelog: v0.5 - KSP 0.23 compatibility fix v0.4 - fixed compatibility issues with other plugins v0.3 - editor improvements: - fixed part loading issue: now loading all *.cfg files - columns can be toggled from the View menu - filtering using path - log can be copied using context menu v0.2 - fixed issue with filter being removed when loading a rocket - positioning is now tweakable using the config.xml file v0.1 - initial release Links: Plugin is uploaded at Kerbal SpacePort. Part Groups & Filter v0.5 Temporary location: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B82EGaR6GNXeRVFqMVpvN19sNlk/edit?usp=sharing License: GPL3