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Everything posted by terabyte9653

  1. So I have downloaded this plugin and parts. Because I have been looking for the 90 degree part that splits in the middle. However, how do you install the toolbar and other files? There is no explanation about the process or where anything goes
  2. I appreciate all of the help the above folks gave me! Turns out I had duplicate sound files in the wrong locations that were interfering with the main file in the GameData folder. I have since removed them and did a fresh install of the game, re-installed B9, Kethane, and Mechjeb. I really appreciate the help guys. I look forward to making self-thought missions again with this version of KSP! -Terabyte
  3. Thank you for that eloquent and hilarious recommendation I will attempt to use it now. And now every time I load KSP, the Kethane overlay is displayed in the background on Kerbin... Also, when I send a craft up with the Kethane detector equipped, enough battery and solar systems as well, it neither dings or pings, highlights, or in any other way signals that Kethane has been found. Thank you again for your help.
  4. Okay so I used Kethane a =lot= before the .20, .21, and .22 updates. However, I didn't bother reinstalling it because I was trying to learn the new changes in the game. Now, I am comfortable enough with the game I would like to put Kethane back in and use it as a means to create missions for myself to go after the deposits. However, there's an issue. Before I stopped using the pack, there were very few folders required to install the pack into, which made it easy. Now, there's multiple folders of similar name in the KSP folder. I am have a lot of trouble trying to install the pack, and I haven't found a tutorial on how to install it properly. Every time I put the .dll folder in the original folder it was meant to be in and start the game, KSP tells me it was installed incorrectly and the .dll file is to blame. Is there anyone who could lay out step by step how, and where to place the files? It would be greatly appreciated. -Terabyte
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