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    some guy i guess
  1. I try to deorbit my spent stage after they've been used, but sometimes its not possible, especially for interplanetary missions. I have no problems with leaving debris in orbit though, it feels more realistic. Its also kinda fun when halfway through a mission, I see a spent stage fly past from an old spacecraft.
  2. Wow... Those pics are unbelievably sexy. And that new blue button is rather interesting.
  3. I always put probes and batteries on my stages and leave a bit of fuel in there to deorbit them later. Failing that, I try to leave them in a suborbital trajectory so they crash back to Kerbin. My LEO is unfortunately quite crowded with ships and debris from before I started doing this. Some day I want to try to rendevous with the debris and deorbit it.
  4. I really hope we start a start program. But I doubt it will happen.
  5. Who said the universe had infinite matter in it? And we don't even know if there are other universes, we've just got theories.
  6. I'd like a planet or moon with extreme rotation and an oblate shape, a binary planet, an asteroid belt and a planet with rings. A few comets and a planet like Sedna would be nice too.
  7. Damn, you're gonna have a lot of irons in the fire if you claim ALL the planets. I shall explore the solar system in the name of the first guardian of pre-scratch Earth!
  8. Parsec Industries. I just like the sound of it. And a parsec is a unit of distance equal to 3.26 lightyears.
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