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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well I wanted to download it but not the spyware looks cool though. Any chance of a download site that doesn't require a downloader.
  2. As one of the previous posters suggested I will post some pics and the craft file(if you are interested) this rocket can easily lift 50-60 tons into a 100km orbit. As you can see I use Mechjeb(my piloting skill are mediocre at best) but that rocket is very stable and fairly easy to fly the only change you might want to make is depending on your payload is to add a RTG(electricity generator) or 2 and a battery. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5QtXfJCkXZfLVVGcWZMeVBicWM/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5QtXfJCkXZfMm91Yy1xV0c3eFE/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5QtXfJCkXZfcndJdl9oMV8taUk/edit?usp=sharing here is where you can download the craft file while if you want to study it.
  3. Thanks for the info I am a crappy pilot but a decent builder so unfortunately I have to rely on MechJeb to most of my piloting. I am so glad the RCS system is much more efficient so I know that I probably put way too much RCS on that but I do intend to make it a both a fuel depot and a space station my station has 3 of those "arms" to give a total of 12 regular Clamp-o-trons and 3 of the big Sr. Clamp-o-trons if I ever need more that that i will need to do a major redesign. Thanks for the info 4 on each end has worked well in the past but was wondering if moving them would make a big difference.
  4. I was wondering if the RCS layout with 4 on each end would be improved by putting 8 on the center of mass. If you are curious those are the arms for my Space Station. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=164741529
  5. When I got bored 1 day I decided to see how heavy of a ship I could get into orbit and this is the result would make a nice drive section of a interplanetary ship or just as a orbiting fuel station. It only requires the kethane pack as 1 of its features is it can hold 40k of kethane all the other parts are stock(yes I know I cheated and used MechJeb to get it into a 85km orbit because I freely admit my piloting skills SUCK but I didn't use infinite fuel or any other cheats that was the only cheat I used) and you see how little fuel was left. I will give you a tip on the 2nd stage SRB you want to manually jettison it with about 1-2 secs of thrust left cause if you don't it tends to crash into the main ship cause a rather unfortunate explosion . I know it can probably be improved by better Kerbalnauts than me I will post a link to the craft file as I can find a place to upload it to. Meanwhile enjoy the picks. https://plus.google.com/photos/107516513737469471822/albums/5879741798109984209?authkey=CMHGsaHN5u_eyAE
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