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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Nevermind...I'm retarded. I forgot to turn on the generator. Awesome stuff man, keep it up!
  2. Posted this on the comments section of the download page at spaceport. Hoping for a quick response. Again, great mod and I hope to get it to work! Ran out of Compressed Hydrogen in a matter of 30 seconds. I was in orbit at 100KM testing it out. Basic ship, MK1 pod, 4 500 Charge batteries, and Bussard ramjet engine on the bottom. Had a standard fuselage as well to attach two XXL solar arrays which were deployed when used. I watched my resources during my test ad the Compressed-H depleted quickly. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong…. any suggestions?
  3. Hello all. First off, this add-on is fantastic. I really like it and thanks for making it! I hae a question regarding the instructions on the "how to use" tab @ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/sm-fission-fragment-rocket/. It states "The Xenon injector is set up as a separate engine, so make sure to set up your action groups appropriately", now, I have no idea how to do this. I have noticed the action groups tab in the VAB but I don't know what to add in there and I am unclear on how to setup an action group for this add-on or even why I should. Can anyone give me a few pointers on how to set it up? Any help will be highly appreciated and thanks in advance!
  4. Thank you for the awesome add-on/mod! I'm a bit new to kerbal and I am loving the game! I am, however, having some difficulty with this mod and find that once I overcome the problems I am having my space program will be much more enjoyable. My only real problem is getting the nose cone decoupler to connect to whatever small to medium size payload I am trying to launch. I can't seem to get anything to be placed within the decoupler stage of the launch so that I can place satellites into orbit easily. Is there a video or guide that shows or explains the bes way to construct an anvil rocket with different size payloads? Or better yet, can someone just tell me how to do it Thanks in advance, Dom
  5. Hello all! I'd like to say thanks for an awesome mod but I am also here looking for some help. I have been playing for only a couple days now and I love the game. I'd like to use these rockets to get equipment into orbit easier but I am having a difficult time trying to get the parts to connect. The part I really am having a hard time with is the Decoupler on the top of the anvil rocket (the nose piece). It seems to never want to wrap around the simplest satellite. Does anyone know of any tutorials or guides that help one build an anvil rocket from scratch? Or does anyone have any pointers in building the anvil rockets to carry small and medium sized payload into orbit? Thanks in advance!
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