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Everything posted by mbrx

  1. Thanks! I've asked them to close the thread since there's no point in it. Hopefully people (like me) who miss the higher warp rates can find the bettertimewarp plugin next time.
  2. Thanks, that was a good suggestion (sorry I didn't find it earlier). That one seems to have much better features than what i threw together (so there's no point in this plugin).
  3. Higher Physics Warp Apologies if this plugin's functionalities exists else where, but I couldn't find it. This plugin is a ridiculusly small plugin that allows you to use higher physics warp than the default. Ie. you can warp up to 120x while the engine is on, assuming that the engine produces very tiny forces - like an ION engine. All it does is to change the default values of the physics inside KSP. So it should realy only be used for well balanced (weak) ION engine based crafts. Any rotations or exessive forces can and will make your craft explode. You have been warned. F5 is your friend! Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26577569/HigherPhysicsWarp.dll Source code: This is the source code. It's so small you can just copy and paste it, make a new Xamarin project and tune the values yourself. using UnityEngine; namespace HPW { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight,false)] public class HPW : MonoBehaviour { private float[] higherPhysicsWarpRates= new float[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 120 }; private void Start() { print ("HPW is starting, overwriting the physicsWarpRates"); TimeWarp.fetch.physicsWarpRates = higherPhysicsWarpRates; } } } How to use: Put the DLL file in your gamedata folder (or make some folders inside that if you'd like to). Get into space with an ION based craft Press alt-. (alt dot) until you have the desired warp factor 1,2,3,4,8,15,30,60 or 120 (ignore the non-existant graphics for the higher ones). Throttle up Profit Tested on: This mod has been successfully tested on: 0.24.2 with stock ion engines.
  4. Hi, this seems like an awesome mod that I think can have very many potentials for building up an economy in KSP for resources. Ie. producing raw materials, processing them to materials needed for flight (fuel) and materials needed by the various life support mods (eg. mining for materials needed to fill up a hydroponics plant needing the hidden variable sunlight, carbon dioxide and heating/electricity before producing food & oxygen). What would be missing to make such an economy slightly more complex would be more of your hidden variables, most notably I would like to see hidden variables that can represent useful inputs for mining purposes. Three examples of variables that would be useful for that would be: 1. A noise function that can be used to determine the precense of a given raw material (eg. like for the kethane mod). It should map the crafts current latitude and longitude to an input using perlin noise (or even better, simplex noise - which already is implemented in KSP in the class SimplexNoise, with octaves, persistance and frequency as parameters. I would suggest making these parameters available to the part-making user in order to tweak the frequency and size of the areas that have resources. 2. Hidden variables for ground altitude (eg. altitude below or close to sea level can be used for mining water on water based planets). 3. Hidden variables for closenes to specific parts of a planet. (eg. ice can be mined on Duna when close to the poles). If you would like to implement something like this for your mod it would be awesome. If not, i wonder if you would mind if I pick apart your code and try to do something similar otherwise? (What license do you give to the code - GPL?)
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