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  1. Gotta agree with Pixel. It's also the simple fact that going into orbit for the 300+ plus time with the new aerodynamic system is very tedious, and it's much more enjoyable to watch it be done than do it my self again, and again, and again.
  2. I've been looking around and it seems like all of the older graphical mods that everyone used to use no longer is being updated. Is there any working ones for 1.0.4?
  3. So, does the Renaissance Compilation even work with the current version of KSP?
  4. I don't want them to make another game. That would imply they should just say "meh screw Kerbal Space Program" and leave, which I think would suck massive donkey ..... I'm hoping for at LEAST one more god damn planet, or multiple for hell I care. I agree with Geschosskop with that atmosphere thing as well.
  5. It took me three to four tries to get one satellite into orbit today because I kept forgetting small things. One being batteries, another being solar panels, and the final one being a damn antenna.
  6. I use Mechjeb for a decent amount of things. Generally, in my opinion, if you're having fun do what you please. I usually use Smart ASS, Translation, and the Maneuver Node Planner for making perfect circle orbits.
  7. I finally docked with my Space Station that was in Oribt, and got a resource scanning thingy (totally forgot the name) in a polar orbit.
  8. I was going at about 4000 m/s or so when I skimmed passed the Atmosphere. And still said I was on a escape trajectory.
  9. Oh wait, I meant 37,000 Meters up. Changed the post.
  10. Nope, Meters. I just skimmed across. It was weird.
  11. So, sense I've never really legitimately came back from Duna, I decided to remake my landing stage on my Duna ship. So a couple minutes later I arrive at Duna, I land, plant a flag, and plan my return mission. Using phase angles I get an almost instant encounter with Kerbin and the whole burn is not using to much delta V. So I do the burn, and now I'm on my way to Kerbin. I change my orbit a bit so I am around 37,000 meters above Kerbin, that way the planet's atmosphere will catch a hold of me and hopefully help me have a smooth landing. I enter the atmosphere at around 5000 M/S, and from there is when it all goes wrong. I was going to fast for how high I was up, so instead of Kerbin's gravity pulling me in, I just skimmed across the surface like a pebble skimming across water. Unfortunately do to my own stupidity I saved at the wrong location, I had no boosters it was just the Pod. I think for a while and that's when it hits me. Whack a Kerbal! I open up Whack A Kerbal and begin experimenting, a minute or two later I found a good setting that didn't cause spontaneous explosions. I turned my ship back side up and fired right at the middle. When I checked my map it said I was instead of 37 Meters up I was 23 meters up. Whack A Kerbal saved me! I then proceeded to land safetly and recover the poor traumatized Kerbins from the ocean. And Jeb was smiling the entire way.
  12. So, I know there is multiple mods and such that feature things like Space Shuttles and such, but that's not really the question.This is more of a two question thing. One: Are space shuttle parts planning to be added? Two: What would you think of having parts to build a space shuttle type thing?
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