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Posts posted by Scrogdog

  1. I did something similar and I have to admit the money pressure is a bit exciting to me.

    Much better than just "I screwed up time to revert". Last night I ran a mission where heat came darn close to consuming Val during ascent. But I simply had to push on because I deemed it not affordable to fail. :) I backed off of thrust and saved her, but it was right on the brink (or felt that way anyway). Then after I circularized orbit I didn't think I had enough fuel to get down. But I did... barely.

    Even though I was pretty sure my re-entry was going to be fine, I was still filled with fear during all the flames and such after all that.

    One of the most thrilling missions I've ever flown! Probably because I didn't think I could do it but did!

  2. I haven't done it myself, but someone mentioned that you can do these missions in parts. For example, if you have two tourists who each want a sub-orbital, you can do them one at a time.

    So, presumably, same thing here. Two flights to finish this one. I don't think you can do it at once because I'm pretty sure that you need to recover to complete each phase as bringing them back alive is important.

  3. I think people are getting a little worked up over semantics. As in what 1.0 means.

    I keep it rather simple. I came on board around .17. My cost to value ratio on this game is off the freaking charts. I almost feel guilty that I paid so little money for a game that has given me so much.

    Almost. :)

    I've played them all. BARIS, Virgin Shuttle, Microsoft Sim, Orbiter; name it. There is no other like KSP.

    I suppose it would be one thing if I came on board when I did and didn't see what I expected. But I did. I signed up for 'in development' and that's what I got.

    1.0 was a marketing decision. Semantics.

    If they never did one more thing to this game, I would still play for the rest of my life.

    So, I'll be happy to critique anything I want. But what do I gain by doing so in a huff or with anger?

    Uh... re-entry needs some work, eh friends? ;)

  4. If you reeenter too steeply, yes,

    Hmmm, I'm having the opposite observation. Coming in shallow is the only way the ablative material reduces.

    Last night I came in pretty steep with a botched sub-orbital with the MK1 and what actually happens is that I moved so fast through the 'heat area' that it barely even caused the effects to show much less reduce the shield.

    I should have been fried to a crisp, I believe. The way it is now it would less dangerous to do a straight up and down than to try and hit a re-entry corridor from orbit.

  5. Something else I noticed last night. After having Jeb and Val both gain an easy experience point by doing short biome hops near the space center, I figured why not try Bill and Bob too?

    And it worked; don't need SAS in this situation so it didn't matter that they could not turn it on. So now, Bill is a better engineer and Bob a better scientist via the XP they earned by piloting.

  6. I enjoy career. However, that's not to say that it does not need work because it certainly does.

    The ridiculous mission objectives break immersion, in my case. Somehow, I don't plan to actually use an SRB in the water.

    Also, there needs to be some sort of difference between a part that hasn't been tested in any capacity with one that has. Unfortunately, since there will be no failure mode for given parts in the game, I'm at a loss to suggest what the difference might mean. Also, there is no consequence to failing a test. And really, no way to fail it unless you don't meet parameters. That seems odd to me.

    In any case, as is almost always the case with new stuff for the game, I think they are moving in the right direction. Just not quite there yet.

  7. This whole discussion is completely pointless. There has been no indication that Kerbals have any kind of gender dimorphism (or gender even, they might reproduce by releasing a cloud of spores for all we know).

    Again, it's a marketing issue as far as I am concerned. It may be The Kerbal Space Program but it is still run by a human. :)

  8. I think KSP is more if a game than an aerospace flight simulator, and no disrespect to it; it is very accurate and fun at the same time. In this sense, I don't believe it should become Hyper-realistic. I've seen proposals for construction time for ships and random events, but I think those just ruin the flow of the game. And seriously, how could that be fun for the majority of people? The game is about directing a space program and flying ships, not problem solving for things you can't control. And for additional re-enforcement, I don't think it's really necessary for average game play.

    That's why nothing should be forced on the players. I support most realism ideas, but we'd be better served if they were selectable options at the start of a new game. That way, everyone's happy. You could use some but not others. Or none at all.

  9. In addition to what others have said, you want to roll out to your new heading gradually before you are actually there, so you end up about there when you come out of the roll.

    What over controlling means is basically that you are trying to achieve stuff too fast, if you see what I mean.

    Definitely use fine control (press CAPS). And be gentle. :)

    One more thing, try going past the island further. You may not be giving yourself enough time to align. It should not be a panic situation; give yourself plenty of time.

  10. Also... I did crash the Aeris 3A. :sealed:

    So did I. I believe the words I used were "you have to screw up pretty badly to crash it" which is mostly true. Maybe I should amend that to read "unless you don't know how to land". :)

    That's the difficult part. Like I said, try gliding in to get that part down. As you probably know, you don't want to touch down with the nose wheel first. So, use both power, pitch and trim to keep your plane in the proper profile for landing, that is, wing wheels first to touch down.

    It definitely takes practice! But it's a great plane to practice with.

    Pitch and power can and often needs to be adjusted as you come in. Don't be afraid of crashing; Like Whackjob said, don't fear failure because failure is data that we learn from. Coming in too fast or slow, or too high or low, are not fatal if you know what to do.

    So, experiment with pitch and power as you come in. Eventually, with practice and patience, you'll get it. Nose down increases speed, for example, while nose up bleeds it off. Of course, power can also affect speed, so it is the relationship between the two that one needs to learn.

  11. Will ruin MechJeb(specifically the landing phase). And possibly screw my existing skills that are alterady not A-OK to begin with.

    Well, you said you wanted to learn to fly. :)

    Mechjeb can help, but at some point, if you really want to learn, you will need to observe what Mechjeb does, and then do it yourself.

    Trust me, I am one of the biggest seat-of-the-pants engineers and pilots on these boards. If I can do it, anyone can!

  12. I'm serious.

    Googled for "How to fly airplanes in KSP". Got tutorials on how to build spaceplanes.

    Ironically, I got no results on how to fly airplanes. Again, only how to build and fly spaceplanes(for .18, even).

    Keep an eye on The Drawing Board in the tutorials section.

    This should get you flying. Anyone can fly this plane. Promise. :)

    Learn to fly in KSP with the stock Aeris 3A

    Not sure why search didn't find this, but The Drawing Board is a great resource. I still use it. :)

  13. As I understand things (danger Will Robinson!) neither. Because the total amount of science available is unaffected by how you collect it.

    Right now, it's easier but more boring to just sit there and transmit over and over.

    Even when you return a goo pod 100% back home, there is still some to collect. You can see this with an easy test; put a command pod on the pad and do a crew report. Recover. Now do it again and you'll see that another crew report nets you more science albeit a lesser amount even though you just collected at 100% on the mission before.

  14. To the assertion that devs don't post; demonstrably not true. HarvesteR himself just posted in a topic commenting about new releases breaking saves.

    Everything in life evolves. By nature of how this game has grown, the community is no longer very small. The game is getting its legs and that is a good thing.

    I would not be so quick to dismiss the moderators as impersonal, I think they do a great job. Not only that, but at least one that I know I of has made a pretty good mod and another created a collection of tutorials for new players. That is not valuable to you? Or makes them not a valuable part of this community?

    I swear these guys are damned if they do or don't. Post too much and then we'd get posts wondering why they play around on the forums instead of working on the game. Sheesh!

    Play the game and enjoy the new releases. My guess is that .23 comes to us in record time. That's bad?

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