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    Curious George
  1. Hello folks! I today bring you a challenge which I would very like to see happening. It is based on a Manga titled Battle Angel Alita, also known as Gunnm. In this world, the low lives in the "Dump" under the floating city of Zalem, where the High, Bourgeoisie people live. I won't get too deep in the details, but it looks something like this. Basically, you have three main parts: The actual city, which floats over the Earth. The Skyhook, which connects the city and a space station in space. And the actual Space Station, up in space, which is suppose to somehow balance everything in order to make it stand still. Also, do note that the whole thing doesn't move, meaning that it, in theory, is moving at the same speed as the planet's rotation. Do-able? Probably not, but I'd love to see someone do something similar. No need to do a city of course, just find a way to make two poles stand still in the air.
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