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The Tempest

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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Its not badly broken, I've edited mine for more realism, but the worst I have is a black texture on the custom parts.
  2. Ok the height of my rover was way too low and it wasn't working at all. Fixed that and it works just as intended
  3. I am having the most difficult time docking with this method, the docking ports don't line up and I'm using identical modules. One vessel's landing legs like to clip into the ground ever so slightly. Are the modules supposed to dock as the landing legs raise it up along with the rover? That's just not happening for me.
  4. This looks great, and I've been thinking of making a similar setup, but am stuck thinking how the docking will work without the lifting arms.
  5. I think it has to do with the rescaleFactor not working properly in 0.20
  6. I seem to be having a really odd problem. I made a 3.75 hexa part with a height of 950 and it fell through the ground when it loaded. Then I tried again with a 10m wide part and it did the same thing. I'm not sure why this is happening. Further 'testing' shows that the part is solid against other parts, but passes through the ground at the launchpad. I downloaded whatever version was available about an hour ago. EDIT: It also is solid against the pipes and things laying around the launch pad
  7. I'm having all kinds of trouble with connections lately, some parts just don't even have a breaking force. You can make a fuel tank (breakingForce~200) and attach that to a command pod root (no breakingForce) then put a command pod on the bottom of the tank. Drop that at all kinds of angles and the bottom pod will always fall off while the root pod will stay. I could add a breakingForce to the pod, but there are tons of parts that don't have a breakingForce and finding them would be a huge pain.
  8. What about the breakingForce parameter? Does that scale with it or do you have to manually adjust it as well. From what I understand the rescaleFactor only adjusts the size and node positions, so if I was making something bigger I'd have to manually change the other parameters.
  9. These are some cool parts! I'm just having issues with connections. It was a bit wobbly so I was going to weld the bottom node with the Lazor System, but it says the part connected to the node is 6m away. I know one fix is to edit the .cfg of the parts I attatch, but the 6m distance is odd EDIT also these parts seem strangely laggy. I'm doing tests with a 5 part vessel that has 2 large, empty tanks, and I'm getting tons of lag.
  10. When I landed on the Mun instead of just jumping in EVA I had the UI off didn't know I was controlling the ship and accidentally decoupled the capsule....
  11. So I'm trying to edit a mod that has a source folder with a bunch of .cs files. I only need to edit little bit of one of those files though. How do I go about compiling a new .dll from this source folder with multiple .cs files?
  12. How would you go about editing this plugin so that the spacebuilt identifier only checks the mass not every frame? I'm in way over my head on this and have only managed to find the .cs file in the source folder. EDIT: So spacebuilt18.cs is the part that polls the mass every frame, and SpaceDockUtilities18.cs is where the (function?) DetermineMassOfVessel is.... I'm not sure what to edit, or how to implement it. EDITEDIT: If there were a way to have it poll the mass similar to how Mechjeb does, or even the new stats screen in 0.20, then I think it would be a lot less laggy. I'm pretty sure it polls the masses of every single part and adds it together, then does the same for resources. I noticed this when I tested if it was working with a 3 part ship with no lag compared to loading up Kerbal X and there is a lot of lag.
  13. Oh updates, improperly backed up my mods and lost my custom edits of this mod. It does mostly work for 0.20 as far as I can tell though, textures are messed up though
  14. Yeah the wiki says 0.18 had a terrain overhaul and added several easter eggs. There is no mention of the face on the wiki though.
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