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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Things You Can Do While Burning 1. Watch it. 2. Daydream. 3. Make toast. 4. Burn toast. 5. Watch the entire Star Trek series. 6. Get a glass of water. 7. Write a resume. 8. Take a shower. 9. Go on a hot date. 10. Get married. 11. Have kids. 12. Retire. 13. Write an autobiography about how successful in real life you were because of KSP. The book will be titled 'How Burning Helped Save My Life'. It will sell 8 copies, the first one being bought by Jeb. 14. Watch an ice cube melt. 15. Watch another ice cube melt. 16. Poke a llama. 17. Get a replica astronaut helmet, wear it, and discuss the last season of Fringe with the boys down in KSC. 18. Hug a llama. 19. Make dinner. 20. Abort flight and make a ship that doesn't take so damn long to burn. ~ Ales
  2. Jonski Kerman always seems to pilot the prototypes for my various colony ships. He was also the first of my kerbals to reach Eve. Well, really the only one. All the other colonists passed away in a very unfortunate crash. o.0
  3. The B9 Aerospace pack has nice, large/huge control surfaces.
  4. 'OMG!! I MADE IT!! AND I DIDN'T CRASH THIS TIME!' That was my thought process. I then shrieked and giggled like a schoolgirl for several minutes before I realized Bob Kerman did not have enough fuel to make it back to Kerbin. No rescue mission is currently planned at this time.
  5. I currently have three at the moment: - The NIR (Neat, Interplanetary Ruffians) corporation who currently holds a monopoly on almost all space travel from and around Kerbin. NIR was the first to achieve space flight with their 'Pav7' space capsule and then landed on the Mun with 'NCL-1', a one-person lander. They're not very well liked since, y'know, they're a big corporation and apparently all big corporations are evil. Also, their PR department smells funny. - Then there's the Beta group. When NIR first landed on the Mun with NCL-1, the region it settled was known as Alpha Site. When they made a second attempt to land, this time with all that was needed to manufacture ships on the Mun, the landing area was known as Beta Site. The colony flourished and eventually declared independence as the Beta group. There's a lot of tension going on between Beta and NIR. - Lastly, there's Pavonis. The scientists who created the Pav7 capsule and its siblings eventually defected from NIR and started their own SSTO group, Pavonis. Despite their origin, they are in reasonably well standing with both NIR and Beta, and are using the resources of both organizations to create interplanetary ships that will be assembled and launched from the Mun. To further their goals, Pavonis is currently working on a series of SSTOs that will allow transit between Kerbin and the Mun, to ease the tension between NIR and Beta. So, pretty much, if it's launched from Kerbin, it's NIR. If it's launched from the Mun and intends to be around the Mun, it's Beta. If it's launched from the Mun and goes anywhere, it's Pavonis. Yay, roleplaying!
  6. My favorite moon is Iapetus. Its strange black and white colorations and contrast fascinates me!
  7. My stupidest thing (so far) is deciding to travel long distances on Mun with the EVA pack. It works great when moving, but stopping is another matter. I managed to land Bob on his head soft enough not to kill him, but also with enough velocity that he didn't stop sliding for about 600m... up hill. When I tried to use the same method to get back to the ship, I kept overshooting/oversliding the landing site and eventually decided 'screw it, I'm walking!' Good times. Poor Bob has been having lots of migraines recently though... Must be the space food.
  8. I have to third the Revelation Space series! Well, it's not so much a series as it is different stories in the same universe (the exception is Redemption Ark and its sequel Absolution Gap, both of which are sort of sequels to Revelation Space). It is so wonderful and full of science and technology that could very well be realistic in the future. It also has a great, clever storyline that kept me enraptured the whole time I read it. Then I picked up the next book in the series, Chasm City... that did nothing to dampen my appreciation of this author. This has been the only non-Star Wars sci fi book series that's held my interest.
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