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Everything posted by diomondclaw

  1. I'm horrible at the game ,i can barely make it to the mun with a kerbal,an i can never make it back ^^ thats an understatement I almost always use hyperedit i've only made it to a other planet with a kerbal once without cheating
  2. I got my screen name a long time ago when i was first starting in an online game i had to pick my screen name,so i wanted something cool sounding so i thought hey what about diamond claw but when i typed it in it was to late before i realized i spelled it wrong so my screen name has been diomondclaw for every single game i've been on because no one uses it... so if you see the name diomondclaw on a online game it just might be me,or maybe not depending on what game it is there's more to this story but i didn't want to tell it all.
  3. I would like to see a Ice giant sometime in the future. I don't know specifics
  4. Well,I don't know how to make a massive lander that can land on pol, the furthest I've made with a massive lander is the mun.
  5. Hi, I always wanted to go to pol without using cheats but I don't know how can anyone tell me what is a good design for landing on pol (with kerbals)?
  6. This is probably a dumb question: at first I heard that mining was going to be 0.20 but now I'm not sure so my question is: is mining still going to be in 0.20 or was that changed P.S. I know that nothing is confirmed for KSP
  7. This is probably a dumb thing to ask: at first I heard that mining was was going to be in 0.20 but now I'm not sure so can someone please tell me if that was changed? P.S. I know that nothing is confirmed for KSP
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