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Posts posted by wotlight

  1. Nice mod! I have an idea, maybe after 3 hours, the kerbal will be incapacitated for 10 minutes(ragdoll mode), and you have to rescue him using other kerbal, when kerbal is near with EVA, you can revive him and give him time to return to base

    Ohh I like that :)

    Will definitely work on that for future version

  2. OxygenMeterClose_zps343f8043.jpg


    Codeplex page for downloading plugin and/or source code

    Version 1.0 - Initial Release

    3 hour oxygen timer added to Kerbal when EVA

    Right click Kerbal to view remaining oxygen

    Kerbal will die if oxygen runs out

    Timer is not active when in the atmosphere (lightest blue color on UI), its roughly within about 12500 meters above Kerbin

    Oxygen is fully replenished when entering a pod or descending into the atmosphere

    Future plans

    Make timer configurable

    Look into interfacing with Kerbal Alarm Clock to automatically add alarms for low oxygen

    No more oxygen....


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