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  1. How do I key the fire key to a number pad button (by that I mean how do I write 8 in such a way that it refers to numberpad 8 and not normal 8)? Looking forward to the future Panzer, I can't wait. Also your guns featured in Enter Elysiums new World War K videos so your work has already been seen by 16,000 people.
  2. I was wondering if its possible to turn off the need for rocket parts or fuel, I seem to remember this mod having a debug mod. This was great for mucking around in sandbox, so I was wondering if it still possible to activate it (I remember adding a line the the part.cfg)? Those mining bases are awesome, my goal is to eventually have a sustainable base on minus and then launch a massive ship from there and colonize Jool's moons in one trip. Wanted to do some 'simulated testing' first though. Thanks.
  3. Nice to hear this might get a update soon, it always added tens of hours of fun while I created winged- rocketed monstrosities with guns to beat back the space invaders. Then I remembered that there were no invaders.
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