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War Eagle 1

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Article Comments posted by War Eagle 1

  1. 2 hours ago, mcirish3 said:

    Windows is the majority so ya, kinda.  At this point the likelihood of negative work happening if fairly high due to dev burnout.  1.1.1 is actually a great example of negative work, where bug fix introduced new bugs.  In two weeks they will be refreshed and I am betting the bug fixes will be better and not break more things.

    Edit: and I get it!  It sucks it really does especially if the game is mostly not playable.   BUt most users don't have a serious problem.  Just the same It really sucks.  But at this point not much can be done about it.  IF teh devs don't get a much need break we are never going to get to the stable release point.   Some times you ahve to walk away from a problem for a while to see it in a new light.

    I get that mac book users are the minority in this case. I also understand that a bug can be persistent.

    However when one of the most up voted threads on the tech support part of the forums is Macbook related and quite a few people are experience it then it is considered good manners from a dev team to at least acknowledge that there is a problem. A simple "We see that you are having issues and we ll get to work on it asap" would show that they care.
    However if you look at that thread (i posted a link in an earlier reply on this article) not a single dev has responded to it. 19 replies and 5 up votes to keep it going and noticeable yet not a single dev acknowledgment. That should throw up a red flag that something isn't right.

    Squad is amazing when it comes to getting stuff done and fixed for the overall game and for windows users. But i have talked to quit a few macbook users who have shared stores of how their questions go without replies for months to the point where their ether give up on ksp or have to waste hours upon hours trying to find a fix for themselves, many without luck.

    Again i understand we are the minority here but there is a difference between acknowledging that there is a problem and at least saying "hey we re working on it" or even a dev saying "hey I'm not on mac but i see your problem and i ll pass it along" and completely ignoring the problem. 

    Glad i saved 1.0.5 and that I bought the game way early access. At this point with how we are being ignored I would not buy this game again with the lack of aid to macbook users.

  2. Starting to get a bit mad now.
    Macbook users have had a graphics error sense 1.1 and it still isn't resolved. In fact its getting worse
    This graphic error is causing the game to crash quite frequently and if it doesn't crash it causes the game to crawl 

    this first pic is from 1.1.1.


    This pic is from 1.1.2.
    Both have graphics setting have been untouched. 
    However many other Macbook uses have stated they have tried messing with the graphic settings and the same results happen.

    Im glad I've kept 1.0.5 because the past 3 updates have been unplayable.
    Squad you re a good group but I'm starting to get the feeling Macs are being left behind.

    I know this belongs in the tech support part but as y'all can see i have posted a link to an already posted thread that has received no aid 

  3. 7 minutes ago, mcirish3 said:

    Hmm yes, 1.0 was very buggy as was 1.0.1. 1.02 was fairly stable 1.0.3 lasted less than 24 hours and 1.0.4 was very stable.  1.0.5 took up too much memory to be playable with out a lot of lag. at least for me. 1.1.1 seems less stable than 1.1, at least for me it does.  User experience may vary.

    Im not even going to try any further updates until this gets fixed


    38 minutes ago, War Eagle 1 said:

    5eii1fr.pngMac users are still suffering from this bug.  Looks like its back to 1.0.5 for me.


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