2146 Kerbals sue Starbucks for copyright infringement by use of name Starbuck as that is the Kerbals' form of currency. After case they go out of business. Sorority girl all across the world start battle with depression.
2114: Michael Bay's descendent, Marshal Pond, makes a movie tilled "Explosions." The movie is nothing more than a hour and 30 min of explosions. Tickets sell out in a few hours. All tickets purchased were by adolescent males
2073 Man by name of Blankity Blank attempts assignation of United England leaders. Stopped by good samaritan with CCW. Does not make world news because of political bias and is deemed "not news worthy"
2056: people in what was the Northern part of the USA finally realize that the South is no longer racist. Both start working together to make a better world
fine by me. Im an auburn fan so if I had to lose I want it to be with my fan. (only thing is I'm a student at Auburn, how am I playing for bama) Granted. But game locks up each time you try to play it. (in all seriousness I do want to make a sequel but I'm still in a rough part of life right now.) I wish my depression would end
Granted. But everyone is yelling at you to get off it. I wish Auburn will beat Bama in football for the rest of eternity (thats American Football, not soccer)
2038 Members of the Democratic party are tried for illegal smuggling of synthetic chocolate among Elite members. Next 4 years are prosperous under Republican control of government by making synthec chocolate more available to the people
2029 Brazil satisfies world with their soft drink Guarana (yes its an actual drink and its Amazing. Name a type of coke, Guarana is better than it and that is a FACT)
Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do ti do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it (find the dyslexic part)