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Everything posted by michaelcrane17

  1. So I created a rover using some hinges, rotortrons and a sliding rail. Upon loading a quick save while on the Mun, my wheels are separating from the rotortron. I couldn't find a thread or one of the pages in the forums for the mod, So if anyone knows why this happens or how to fix it, some advice on it that would be greatly appreciated!!!!
  2. I just loaded mine up for the 3rd time today and I just noticed it too. I have installed B9, BDArmory, MechJeb2, NEAR, and ModuleManager 2.5.0. Do you have any of these?
  3. So I have been looking around for something along the lines of a throttle management. Example, you have a Vtol ship and want to control the vertical speed separate from the horizontal speed. Using the default left Shift and Ctrl for one, and maybe the right Shift and Ctrl for the other. Has anyone found any mod like that?
  4. So I have this issue with Kerbal Engineer that will cause the GUI to become unresponsive and disappear entirely. I have closed out the game entirely and reopened it, switched to other space craft and back. Still nothing. Anyone else have this issue and know of a fix?
  5. I did add them all. I went.....KSP/GameData then copied all folders. I did not copy them inside the squad folder. So if you opened GameData folder you would find.... B9_Aerospace, ExsurgentEngineering, Firespitter (I removed the previous one from the Firespitter mod), KineTechAnimation, ResGen, and Squad.
  6. I do not have the ModuleManager Mod. Is that the main reason people are having this problem? I wonder what is causing mine....
  7. Has anyone who has had the problem with the SABRE M not working? It will consume fuel and show output and thrust, but doesn't actually provide "thrust." Anyone have this problem and fixed it?
  8. So to install this, if I am reading correctly, would be as follows... KSP main folder and that's it? Don't go, KSP/GameData/ etc? Just KSP?
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