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Everything posted by ChrisDaBox

  1. Why the hell should gender matter? What you people do not get is that an alien species does not necessarily have genders. If they did it could be completely different. There could be 2, 3 or 4 genders. This is a GAME. It doesn't matter. The only thing it affects is it may come across as a boys game. BUT, Barbie comes across as a female game to us. It's completely pink and completely gender based on girls. So there is no need to say that KSP is too much of a boys club.
  2. I see where you are coming from but adding this would make spaceplanes even more hard to build. They have to be able to turn easily. And also the amount of times my Space-Plane has flipped out in mid-air is a lot.
  3. Then we should all YOLO and fall off a bridge! xD
  4. The Ion engine is not designed to be used in an orbit around a planet. Why? Because if you try to make an escape orbit with an Ion engine, you would have orbited a 1/4 of the way around Kerbin making it a highly unreliable way to escape the planet at the exact position you want it to escape. It takes ages to orbit once around Kerbol. So the area covered during one burn would be minimal if scaled down. Sorry if you don't understand this. It's kinda hard for me to explain it. Just watch Scott Manley's video about the Ion engines. (Not the solar plane one)
  5. Thats kind of impossible to do with one maneuver node :/ You're velocity would be too high by the time you got a 90 degree inclination change. You would reach kerbin escape.
  6. Jebuy Series The Jebuy (heh-boy) orbiter is a simple craft that I created to get Kerbals in to LKO. So far there are 3 variants of the craft. Included in this thread are the craft files for the Jebuy, the Jebuy II and the Jebuy-Apollo. So now I will present to you the space ships and their bio's and stuff. Jebuy I The Jebuy I is the first spacecraft in this series of orbiters. I originally used it to do simple orbital maneuvers because I was very new to the game. I also used it to create my space station. FACTS: The Jebuy I has 6998m/s of dV in a vacuum. It has an overall weight of 212.340Mg. Jebuy II The Jebuy II is an updated version of the Jebuy I. It has solar panels and batteries on the orbital stage and now has a non-shielded docking port. The craft is mainly used as a shuttle for Kerbals to get to and from my space station. It is also being used to construct my latest space station. FACTS: The Jebuy II has 6966m/s of dV in vacuum. It has an overall weight of 212.665Mg. The craft has less dV than its predecessor mainly because of the extra weight onboard. Jebuy-Apollo The Jebuy-Apollo is an Apollo style Mun mission. I challenged myself to make an Apollo style mission. So I adapted the Jebuy II and added a Lunar Lander onto the craft. On my first attempt to complete the mission I had 36.7 fuel left when I achieved Mun escape. FACTS: The Jebuy-Apollo has 6671m/s of dV and an overall weight of 259.155Mg. Craft Files Jebuy I: http://www./download/t7weg9u99dqzso6/Jebuy_I.craft Jebuy II: http://www./download/snm8w0rdkm56wz2/Jebuy_II.craft Jebuy-Apollo: http://www./download/6hxgpwryp4toej8/Jebuy-Apollo.craft
  7. What it means is that you can get into an orbit but you can't make it circularized. Its basically an oval shaped orbit where the periapsis is lower than the apoapsis. The closer they are, the more circularized the orbit is.
  8. You should use the bobcat industries mod to use the Soyuz Craft intidragon
  9. How high does an orbit around kerbin have to be for it to be geo sychronous?
  10. Welcome mate. By the way, I can't even build something that complicated on KSP
  11. The best thing to do is to begin your descent from a 100km orbit. Then gradually slow yourself down so that you are moving straight down. This stage should be around 20km or 10km to give you a bit tof time for correction. Then just slow down your verticle speed until you gently touch the surface. Hope this helped
  12. I actually sent kerbals up to my space station to test it out. Shame it wasnt implemented though :( :( look at all of these upset kerbals
  13. I'm proud of mine even though it looks really bad
  14. Just planted a flag by the Neil Armstrong monument on the Mun! I feel so proud of myself!
  15. I call it the Jebuy(Heh-Boy) First of all, I named it like that because I wanted a kind of mysterious name. I also wanted the name to feel like something original. Anyway moving on, As seen in the picture below, it is un-docking from my KSS. This craft is the flagship of my game. It is what got the whole of my KSS into LKO. Piece by piece. It took about 15 launches to launch the whole of the station. Anyway this craft, in my "Career mode" has a guarantee of about 4 weeks in-game. So it has to return to Kerbin before it has been in space for four weeks.
  16. Thankyou for the great feedback guys! I will do a Mun launch right now! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, Engine start, 3, 2, 1, LIFTOFF!
  17. Okay so I want to start my own Mun base. I have already landed a craft on the Munar surface but for me to expand the base, I have to be able to do pinpoint landings(Obvs!). But I cant do pinpoint landings unless I want to end up with literally no fuel at all to orbit let alone return to kerbin. If anyone has some tips or helpful information for me, please post it. It will really help me!
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