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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey all, I've searched for days and found no answers or fixes for this. Essentially a part of deadly re-entry (G-force tolerance) kicks in toward the end of ascent guidance with mechjeb. What happens is as mechjeb reaches the apoapsis altitude the engine starts cutting in/out (cause the craft is still in the atmosphere) to keep that altitude. However, on 3.75m rockets built with KW rocktery's Griffon XX engine this severe alternating throttle either shakes the craft apart (which is not a huge problem) or, more likely, kills the crew due to astronomical G-forces. Has anyone else had this issue/knows a way to reduce the effect?
  2. At the moment I think that's about it. Personally I prefer Procedural over KW Rocketry's and Fairing Factory. With KW they are all standard sizes so if you make something that has alot of external parts they clip through the fairing and it looks pretty bad. Also with KW when in IVA mode and at launch you tend to see gaps in the fairings. Fairing factory is better than KW but for each build you have to restart KSP to install the new fairings, which is all well and good if you have a PC that can restart KSP quickly. Finally, Procedural pretty much combines the customization of Fairing Factory (holding R while hovering over the fairing base causes the outline of the fairing to change) and the stability of KW (however it doesn't contain the actual rockets). From what ive seen of Procedural so far I haven't noticed any part clipping, unless I made the fairing too small, the IVA mode seams pretty solid and can't see any cracks and finally procedural has 2 different types (a conic version and eggshell version) which looks pretty sleak Hope I helped.
  3. I use mechjeb for ascending mostly, purely because I can never get my gravity turns right and either go too shallow or too steep causing me to burn up my launch, orbital insertion and finishing half way down the transfer burn so I end up with enough fuel to get to the destination.... then I loose Kerbals. Oh I also use it for automated maneuver node execution, again cause its very precise, more than me with my x key
  4. Yes and so far as of the new update I have put 1 satellite in an equatorial orbit. Can't dock with no autopilot and forget rendezvous further than minmus as I can't get enough efficiency and end up wasting fuel (despite playing the game for 3 months and reading up on orbital mechanics)
  5. Alright well I'm on steam's version of KSP and the current dev build for mapsat won't show any parts in the VAB so I've installed the version on spaceport (0.19 for KSP 1.9.8) Now the parts appear.... but i'm now at the stage everyone else is at with the game crashing on launchpad
  6. So I have had KSP for awhile now and finally bought it in the steam summer sale; got to the mun, minmus, duna, jool, eve and escaped the sun's orbit However now i'm looking into airbag systems for my own impactors (used on the Mars Exploration Rovers such as Discovery & Spirit) and also L.E.S. (Launch escape system) tower. But all in all, I still don't know what i'm doing Edit: Also customizing my signature, can't seam to find how to do it on these forums as I would love to show you all my achievements in a more pictoral form using the ribbons system.
  7. Hey man ive got the same issue as you I installed ISA MapSat Dev build X4r1 and I can't seam to find either of the 2 parts of the mapping satellites, everything is where it should be install wise. I also installed the RemoteTech addon at the same time, upon launching the game I saw all those parts and none of Mapsat's. To check compatibility with RemoteTech I took it off but the parts for Mapsat still didn't appear. The only thing that I can think of is some form of compatability issue with Mechjeb (and we are talking 0.19 for 1.9.8 KSP) If it helps i'm running on windows 7 64-bit
  8. Hey everyone, So I have had KSP for awhile now and got my orbiting down so I thought i'll take a pop at a mun landing. So, as usually I got in a low parking orbit around Kerbal (71,234/96,721) then I commenced the inter-planetary burn. Which put me on course to encounter the gravity of mun. All went well until I was about to put my retrograde burn on. Aligned myself to the retrograde vector and then tried to start my burn.... The engine didn't fire at all. Now from previous experience I thought it was a power issue (but this time I installed to solid panels and a battery box on the back of the command module, which was also fully powered at the time). Then I thought it could be the fact the stage was burnt out, so ditched the stage and started the next. Still nothing. I would be very great full if someone could give me pointers, thanks
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