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Everything posted by biglightbt
Nothing! They are working precisely as intended. The plasma thrusters are megajoule thirsty monsters and if you just got them unlocked you probably don't have the power available to really let em' loose. Once you get a reliable Microwave power network going you can really let em rip. I have a small array of four upgraded Ageletes II reactors and generators parked behind the VAB pumping 10GW of Microwave power into my 4 satellite grid. With that kind of power on tap, without the weight of a reactor on a craft, you can easily hurl entirely mono-propellant fueled craft into orbit using them with 1,000kN worth of thrust out of the one engine. If I can say one thing about Fractal's mod, its that he has put enormous effort into making the tech tree unfold in an incredibly engaging way. Keep doing science and soon enough you will have those puppies putting out mind boggling amounts of thrust.
I think its a known bug, mine do that too. When they are running in Atmospheric or Intake-Air mode they only make a quiet rocket engine sound and occasionally a sharp blip of turbine noise, but when you switch them over to an internal fuel source they make a well mixed turbine/rocket noise. On a separate note I've been having A LOT of crashes using this mod and was looking for some insight onto what is actually causing them. Even with just a clean install and only Interstellar Mod. All but a few of the crash logs begin with: "mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module mono.dll at 0023:10118bea." I have plenty of memory (16GB Installed, 64Bit OS of course) so I don't think running out of memory is the problem here. I can post up the crash logs if they will be of any assistance to you Fractal. Edit: Full system Specs: Intel i7-4700MQ 16GB RAM Windows 7 Professional x64 nVidia GTX780M Also thanks for the tips on the Microwave Relays Fractal! I ended up messing up the orbits and ended up with 4 satellites spaced roughly equally apart and they work great.
Thanks for the great reply. For some reason the way ISP works just didn't click in my head. I was wondering if it was just a part of the way the mod worked and I simply didn't have the technology to fully utilize that part yet. Thanks for the incredible mod and great support! Keep up the great work! One other question though. It seems pretty clear that Beamed Microwave is the direction I need to be going at the moment. Any tips for assembling a reliable satellite relay network? I actually did check the Wiki and there was very little information about how the phased array transceivers function. Are they directional? Do i need to use the Relay feature or have one receiving and one transmitting?
Ok, I hate to be one of those guys that only posts when something free isn't working right, however I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of performance from Thermal Turbojets. Irregardless of how many intakes I put on a craft both the 1.25m and 2.5m Thermal Turbojets (Coupled to an upgraded Aegletes II reactor in career mode) suffer from a severe thrust drop at roughly 15,000m. It also seems as though the Intake Atm resource and Intake Air resource do not scale appropriately with Intake Atm often running short far before Intake Air. Using FAR I can even confirm that the engines are getting enough air in Intake Air mode. Even though the engine is being provided with 113% the amount of air it needs to operate at full power it still starts to lose thrust as though its being starved of atmosphere. If I swap out the crafts twin 2.5m Thermal Turbojets with a total of eight stock KSP TurboJet engines, leaving the reactors with the same amount of air intakes I can get well over 30,000m before needing to use an alternate propulsion method as the engines become oxygen starved. What gives!?!
Sweet! And thanks. Just for fun I decided to build the smallest SSTO I could make, but instead swapped out the fusion reactor to a Kiwi reactor running on Thorium, which surprisingly has 5000*K more core temperature than the fusion reactor. Even with no ram air intakes and just some small supersonic inlets I managed to kiss the edge of space. 24000M at just under 1KM/s. I was surprised to find that some of the stock radial intakes were only providing a mere fraction of their rated intake, just sitting on the runway, not moving. Picture for reference. WTF is going on here!?
Hey Fractal. You have any tips on building a Fusion + Atmospheric turbojet space plane? I have tried just about every iteration I can imagine. Varying speed, adding engines, adding intakes, and it seems that irregardless of how many ram intakes I have on my twin engine/reactor craft I have the right most engine abruptly loses thrust at 14000M while going ~450m/s. It doesn't "flame out" with the usual pop and shower of sparks though, it just abruptly loses thrust from 150+kN down to 20kN or so, almost as if its throttle has been abruptly reduced. It's not just changing fuel modes either. I've tried a clean install already and the only mods I use are yours obviously, B9 Aerospace and KAS. I'm not even able to get high enough or fast enough to necessitate pre-coolers. I get that the old Atmo intakes were hax and over powered but this is getting ridiculous. Thanks for the help and the awesome mod! Even if I can't build a SSTO for s***.
Ok. So how do I diagnose my problem here? Just good old fashioned Kerbal engineering? Keep slapping on more intakes until the engines stop stalling? Toss the design entirely and take it from the top? Edit: Tried good old Kerbal engineering, engines still splutter and die at 12,000m at any speed irregardless of how many intakes are on the craft. WTF!?!?!?
Hello again guys, I'm still having some very unusual effects with intakes trying to get anywhere past 14,000m. Out of the 4 TTJ's on my plane I keep finding that the bottom right one flames out extraordinarily easily. That aside though I feel I'm not getting the way that intake air/atmo is measured. You can see the troublesome engine in my picture just as it starts to choke, which is odd, as all four engines at that particular point should be demanding .308U of fuel if each is demanding .0077U. Whats strange is that only one of my multiple intakes is providing 5.53U of intake atmo, multiple times more than what the engines should be demanding...yet one continually flames out. Am I not understanding the way that the air resource are being used or is there something else going on here? Someone please explain, I feel like a freaking idiot here
Ahhh, that makes sense. I actually had the problem with the old intakes not working, but managed to resolve it after reading through a few pages here. So it sounds like some of the problem is definitely poor engineering on my part. Although the stock and modded intakes are still bugging out on me. Occasionally when the craft first loads on the runway the intake will appear with only part of its resources available. For instance the supersonic intakes like in my picture will occasionally load with .20/.20 Intake Air and .05/.20 Intake Atm...which is weird because the craft is just sitting there on the runway. Also is it normal to have the engines drag down the resources when they are throttled up? Just starting the TTJ on the pad pulls down the value in Intake Atm even though it hasn't increased in altitude. Sorry for the potentially stupid questions. Edit: On a side note the reason I started using the old intakes in the first place is the other ones don't display that they provide Intake Atm in the VAB, even though once loaded they do provide that resource. I was trying to build a SSTO capable of taking off on Duna so using Intake Atm was needed rather than Intake Air.
Hey guys, sorry if my post is poorly worded and such, been using Interstellar for a while but haven't ever posted. I'm having some serious issues getting my Atmospheric Turbojet engines to work right. They have more than enough resources available but without fail one or two of the four on the craft splutter out and die at a mere 14,000m. Thats with a total of 20 Intakes mind you. 14 supersonic intakes and 6 ram air intakes with precoolers, which strangely only yield a total of 4.00 atmosphere/intake air. It seems like the atmosphere isn't distributed properly or is simply disappearing. As the craft climbs rather than the intake atmosphere slowly dwindling down, it sharply drops off several times. When on the ground and stationary Intake Air fluctuates wildly on all the intakes. I was easily able to get much, much higher in the atmosphere with the old Atmosphereic Scoop intakes, but with their lack of precooler functionality they weren't very practical. So is my game some how screwed up or is my engineering way off the mark?