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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. (Yes, that is Bob being stuck in my Large ASAS Module) If you put these two together, you can see why my ship had to go back to kerbin and bob had some disciplinary consequences (Mainly falling back to kerbin with his new loot)
  2. I have never considered a story, thanks for the idea. I understand the idea of wanting to make the viewers crave for more by making them look forward to something, it's a smart idea.
  3. Hey all you crazy builders and builderetts, As I was launching my first part for my Kerbal Space Cube, I thought it'd be funny to do EVA before launch. Bob, on the other hand, had some other idea's and decided to jump. He landed his butt on one of the docking ports on the side, and traveled along untill he found himself in space. A moments later he got himself stuck in my Large ASAS Module and decided to take it back home to Kerbal. Pictures are in the spoilers Bob deciding his place is on the docking ports, rather in a cabin. Bob taking home my ASAS Module. PS: If someone can explain to me the spoiler tags on the forums, much obliged.
  4. Hey all you livestreaming and vid making geezers 'n gals, Since this is a request for help, I thought general KSP discussion was the best place for this, even tho it is video/livestream related. If not, I apologize for being off-topic. I was hoping that some of the more experienced among you could explain me what I should look out to with making video's. I'm one of those people that like to do things right the first time, and I'd love to make video's and/or livestream my KSP launches and creations. I have once tried livestreaming League of Legends, but as I'm not a professional player, it didn't work out. Hope to hear some great tips from the forums. PS: If you have any tips about what to watch in order to learn about making vids or whatever, I'd much apreciate it. Thanks in advanced~
  5. Hey all, Been playing KSP for a while now, thought I'd finally be active on the forums for once. I hope some of you can help me, and that I can help some of you. I've been considering for a while to make a few video's and put those on youtube, but whenever I think too long about it or watch other video's I don't feel like I'm a vid maker kinda guy. I've explored the vast waste of Duna, tried a futile attempt to orbit Jool, made a Minmus base, crashed the Minmus base on landing, made an effort to save my kerbal who somehow survived, made several attack planes, some minimalism planes, you name it. Also tried a few kerbal space stations and a few satellites in combination with the mapsac mod (or whatever it is called) Like I said before, I hope the community can help me out, and in return, I can help someone else out. Chaobaozi~
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