Hey all, Been playing KSP for a while now, thought I'd finally be active on the forums for once. I hope some of you can help me, and that I can help some of you. I've been considering for a while to make a few video's and put those on youtube, but whenever I think too long about it or watch other video's I don't feel like I'm a vid maker kinda guy. I've explored the vast waste of Duna, tried a futile attempt to orbit Jool, made a Minmus base, crashed the Minmus base on landing, made an effort to save my kerbal who somehow survived, made several attack planes, some minimalism planes, you name it. Also tried a few kerbal space stations and a few satellites in combination with the mapsac mod (or whatever it is called) Like I said before, I hope the community can help me out, and in return, I can help someone else out. Chaobaozi~