I've apparently figured out the problem with my design that is twice the plane of the Aeries 4. I had two aerospike engines next to each other in the center and four jet engines, two on either side of the aerospikes. I noticed that the overheat problem in the aerospikes was forcing me to lower the throttle more than if they are separated from each other. So, I reversed the positions of the rockets and the jet engines. Aside from making the plane generally unstable for flying, it also reversed my problem. Now, my jets were cutting out at 18Km instead of 22Km while the rockets ran at a higher throttle. If I can do a design that separates all engines from each other, then I might make the double plane work. The irony is that it's not worth it because it apparently does just as good as the Aeries 4. I figured that more plane would go further. Apparently not. Obviously, I'm new at this.