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Everything posted by Doull

  1. My entry in this However, all the engines fell off on landing All stock parts and no mods like mechjeb
  2. Thanks TheHengerProphet.. Yep I know what you mean about life getting in the way Also I should have included in my entry. Manned, That no mods were used and it is all stock parts
  3. I am just wondering if my entry is to late? It's taken a while. However, I was able to achieve Mach 6.4 or 2164 m/s before having the engines flame out and putting me into a spin. Any bonus points lol for recovering from the spin and landing it Aircraft name is the Ausmonaut... Vid here. Skip to end, to see the score
  4. Okay a Manned Rocket Sled top speed 264m/s + some out takes. Second Run in cockpit mode is were I got 264m/s
  5. Okay here is my entry. +10% Less than 500 Parts +20% Less than 400 Parts +20% Uses No Jet Engines +10% Uses No Rockomax Engines +10% Spent Stages do not enter Orbit +10% Has Docking Ports +10% Has RCS and is controllable Total +90% of 205.84 Tonnes in Orbit = 391.096 ( I hope I got this right) I use No mods at all. My game is all vanilla.
  6. If this turns out to be a double post then I am sorry in advance My Entry for a Space Station Orbiting the Mun All Stock Parts. No Mechjeb or Hyper Edit were used constructing the Station 10 Solar Arrays To many Batteries 3 parts docked to the Space Station Core.
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