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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm using .20 somthing or other, and I used the "right click link and select "Save As" method you recommended. Does having the game open at the time have anything to do with it not working?
  2. Goddamn, you people are geniuses. My designs usually suck, or when they work I completely misjudge something and end up smashing into the thing I'm aiming for (usually the Mun) I'm going to download this and see if I actually get anywhere, this is amazing! [EDIT] It tells me the files are incompatible ;_;
  3. On the image posted above I don't see any liquid fuel rockets on the spaceplane unless they aren't visible from the angle. Am I just mistaken? Because it does seem necessary that liquid fuel rockets are needed.
  4. One thing I've never understood is how to get Space Planes into space. Once I've got them to a certain height in the atmosphere they become oxygen starved so they coast along for a while then begin to fall and only regain control once they've got to a low enough altitude. Is there an oxygen capsule in the Utilities section or something for air breathing engines to work in space? For the record, I tried Googling this and the answers weren't helpful. [EDIT] I managed to get a ship into orbit around the Mun! But there's not enough fuel left to land on it :/
  5. hotmailcompany52, I've managed to get a lot of ships into space and I have two ships that will collide with the Mun's orbit at some point. I'm okay at getting ships into orbit, but I'm no good at getting them to meet up and dock together and stuff like that, so I don't know how to make space stations and stuff like that. (By the way, I really hope this is the right thread to be posting stuff like this, it's just you guys seemed to know what you were doing)
  6. Oh yes, I've also managed to get several ships to intersect with the Mun's orbit at some point, but by the time that happens I have hardly any fuel left to attempt an orbit let alone a landing.
  7. Hi guys, I'm relatively new to this game, I'm wondering if you could help me? I've looked at the space stations and stuff in this shared file and they are amazing, but I can never design a rocket system that can get me that far or in such a good orbit either. Do you guys have any tips regarding how to make a better launch system? Thanks in advance!
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