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Everything posted by frasmacon

  1. £5 ($7.43). That's 50p for the acrylic, £3.50 for the clock mechanism, and £1 for me!
  2. I like to think I can use it as a clock . It does have a working clock mechanism on the back
  3. It is 24cm (9.5 inches) across and 14 cm (5.5 inches) tall.
  4. Sorry, can you post in the other thread? I made a duplicate by accident
  5. Sorry, this is a duplicate I made by accident... See actual thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30919-Kerbal-Space-Program-Clock
  6. I'm 14 and in my DT class in school we were making clocks and I am proud to present the new Kerbal Space Program Clock! Two sheets of acrylic are cut from an identical design. In this case red and white are used. Parts are then swapped between the two to create the clock. A clock mechanism is then put on the back and it's done! I know it's not identical to the logo but I had to redraw it by hand (by mouse actually) as the logo wouldn't convert into the right format very well and the program was very strange in regard to drawing intricate things! I hope you like it
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