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Posts posted by MelonHeadSeb

  1. There aren't really many parts that are made specifically for rovers, so a lot of the parts feel too big, eg. lights, satellite dishes; wheels are either too big or too small to look right sometimes.

    In ^that^ video you can see a buggy with parts that look small enough to be suitable for rover use, however they are not in the game. I would like to see wheels that size and aerial things that look like they fit the size of a manned rover / buggy. The lights we have currently are also very big. I believe B9 and / or Kosmos contain some nice examples of lights that I think would benefit the game.

  2. I know there's a mod for it, and I have the mod, but mods really slow my game down. Please include something like this in the stock game. It would be useful for things like if you make your root part horizontal and it messes up the flight controls, so you can then change the root to a vertical piece. It also helps in subassemblies because you can't select a part other than the root part on a subassembly, meaning you will sometimes have to rebuild your whole craft.

  3. I think there should be an option for landing legs and wheels to have suspension lock so there will be no suspension when it's activated. It's just something simple but it could come in handy as the suspension on the landing legs always seems to make my craft tilt over to one side.

  4. I think that, as long as the object has available nodes on it anywhere, you should be able to use it as a subassembly. This means that you won't have to have an available node on a specific part so you can save almost anything usable as a subassembly. This also means that all available nodes on the subassembly should be usable when loading it into another creation, not just the one on the core part of it. This will probably be useful because otherwise you'd have to constantly edit the thing you want to use as a subassembly so it's viable for subassembly usage.

  5. That's the folder you unpack for the plugin.

    I'm pretty new to modding, but when copying the files over to their locations there is no Innsewerants Space Agency folder to be seen - just Parts, PluginData, Plugins etc...

    Again, sorry for being stupid.

    Oops, nevermind. I downloaded the wrong version of it :)

  6. Hey, I got it to work on mine, and yes it appears Mod Manager was the culprit. I disabled it in MM, then manually installed it by copying the entire Innsewerants Space Agency folder to "G:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Innsewerants Space Agency\" and now it works fine.

    I'm using steam and MechJeb2 on Windows 7 x64

    Sorry if I sound stupid when I ask this, but where do you get the Innsewerants Space Agency folder from? I just have a "squad" folder in my GameData folder and my GUI isn't showing up either.

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