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Everything posted by Nimelrian

  1. This did the trick, thank you for the fast response and help!
  2. Hi everyone. Are there known problems regarding the use of landing gear/legs and IR parts on the same craft? The following pictures show the same craft, once with the landing legs, once without. Once I go to the launchpad, I get 1FPS if the landing legs AND IR parts are present. Removing either of them lifts the FPS count to 30+. Happens both with Legacy parts and the remodeled ones. Installed IR from CKAN (Version 2.0.3). It doesn't matter which landing legs I use (tried LT-05 and LT-1) or where I place them. Once both are present, I get unplayable framerates.
  3. No they don't, at least for me. Let's say I have the Kerbal X on the launchpad, with each booster having it's launchclamp. Once I lift off, I could switch to a nearby rover and knock them down.
  4. This was different some patches ago, though. In earlier versions, clamps were fixed on the ground, I was able to "stack" multiple clamps above each other and launch just fine, every clamp stayed at it's place. Now, when I do this and launch, the clamps just fly around. Not sure what Squad changed, but it was a bad change.
  5. To add: If you're using MechJeb, you can activate the landing guidance and check the "show landing site" and "show aerobrake nodes" options, which will give you convenient maneuver nodes at your periapsis that show you how the atmosphere will influence your orbit.
  6. This is just how crafts in KSP work. A part can only have one parent, so bi-/tri-couplers only connect to one of the existing nodes. What you can do, however, is placing docking ports on all coupler-nodes and all existing nodes. Once again, only one will connect in the VAB, but the magnetic forces will hold it together during flight.
  7. Don't forget that your inclination is only 9.5° off of Gilly's. However, you're moving in the opposite direction. Just get it to -180° and you're fine.
  8. Just saw it as well, thanks to your tracker (Germany). Saw the ISS pass at 23:40, then the one at 01:19 and now the ATV-4 pass at 1:37. ISS was really bright, didn't get a look as good as these in the last months. ATV was hard to spot, much less visible.
  9. If you're not afraid to use mods, check out my journey to the Mün, which was inspired by the Apollo program (I did tweak some of the details to make it work though). Used KW Rocketry, Mechjeb and KSPX. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31094-To-the-M%C3%BCn-and-Back!-A-KSP-story-in-60-pictures You can get the craft here: http://pastebin.com/k8BHK9t9
  10. Reddit post: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1exhrj/i_finally_did_what_my_kerturn_v_was_designed_for/ The Kerturn V will be our friends' Vehicle for this mission The whole rocket weighs 783 tons Ignition! Liftoff! We have cleared the tower The target of our mission waiting in the background Initiating gravity turn at 10km Turning.... Stage 1 separation Ignition of Stage 2 Escape Tower jettisoned Stage 2 separation, Stage 3 burning Stage 2 drifting to the ground, ending up in the ocean Preparing our circularization burn Burning Done Planning the TMI (Trans Münar Injection) TMI being executed on the dark side of Kerbin Stage 3 empty, time to get our Münar Lander out Closer Closer.... Capture! Pulling it out Going for another burn, since Stage 3 didn't have enough dV to complete our maneuver Another correction burn to allow a free-return trajectory in case something goes wrong Burning Done! Closing in Circularizing our Münar orbit Orbit is stable at 20km Bringing Bob and Phileny over to the lander Burning retrograde to get on a sub-orbit trajectory Extending landing gear Shadow is coming in! Touchdown! Bob and Phileny, the first Kerbals of our space program to set their foot on the Mün Planting the flag The plaque left on the Mün Back in orbit, just 10m/s of dV left, was quite an act to get it into this orbit After some burns with the CSM, we are close to our lander again Docking Closer Almost done! Capture! Bob and Phileny return to the CSM Time to get us back home, Münar orbit ejection is planned... ...and executed Preparing to get a good landing site Looking good Bye lander, you did your part After rethinking the entry angle, KSC decides it's better to go for a flatter one, no problem, since we still have 1000m/s of dV CM/SM separation We're coming in hot at 3000m/s Like... very hot Our Kerbals have to endure 16G, good that their suits are filled with fluids to help them live through these seconds Deploying chutes! Chutes fully deployed Touchdown! Phileny, Bob and Loddorf made it. To the Mün and Back! Their journey won't be forgotten. Thanks for watching! Leave a comment if you like to and/or upvote the Reddit post!
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