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Everything posted by Mianthadore

  1. I did not, no. Better my shoddy engineering over a glitch, though. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Hey guys. I'm currently using the patch posted earlier in this forum to get this thing running with 0.20. While I was testing a new Miner design I encountered this issue- http://puu.sh/32OJT/aba3b293d4.jpg The converter won't work at all. I don't know if this is a glitch or due to my placement of the converter, as this is my first time using them. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Is anybody else having problems with the Probe Compatibility Patch? It seems to be broken in 0.20 for me. All my probe cores and the default dish and antennae work like they would in vanilla. Seeing as about 90% of my comms network uses those parts, this is a slight problem for me.
  4. I put a rover on the Mun's northern pole! ...Which is now buried about twenty feet under the surface, thanks to the update. Still waiting on a fix for that...
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