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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Love this mod but it seems to be causing issues with the inline docking port. Only one attachment node works for some reason. :/
  2. It seems only one of the attachment nodes on the inline docking port is working when tweakable everything is installed. Any fixes?
  3. Any word on Taverio’s Pizza and Aerospace? I'd love to fly some planes with the new SAS!
  4. Tried that route too, still won't attach. I've tried attaching them to several different parts, some will work and some won't. Not too sure whats happening here.
  5. 0.3.1 seems to be up on Spaceport http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/modular-magnetic-modules-buggy-alpha/
  6. Also having this problem, I made sure the folder names were all correct but it locks up on winch2/model001 everytime! Can't wait for a fix, one of my favorite mods!
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