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Everything posted by psycohideo

  1. I am using KSP 0.19, and MJ 1.9.3 I can see and use the Mechjeb parts, however I still cannot access the mod's tab that supposed to be on the right side. It also seems like after launch and I nearly hit Kerbal orbit the ship disappears, which I suspect to be because of MJ not working properly. I bought the game a week or two ago, downloaded 1.19, then .20 when it was released. I have noticed that when I unzip KSP there is not any Plugin folder. I have made one and placed the MJ dll in inside. Also is there any autopilot mods that can help me reach orbits and helps stability so I do not have to keep correcting the path.
  2. I can see and use the mechjeb parts in control but the tab on the right does not spawn. Any thoughts?
  3. This is probably a dumb question but mechjeb is not working for me. I installed all the mod files in GameData and it is not working. [read a thread about how to place mods in the new .20]. Is there a hotkey that brings mechjeb up like the hotkeys for Debug? It said there would be a tab at the right and all I have to do is click it, but it is not there. Any help would be appreciated.
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