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    Curious George
  1. so this thread is basically anticipating the planets we will see in the future ksp... how can a dev ignore the imagination of a child? HOW? anyway i would like to share my experience too, with my 6 yo daughter... she builds rockets (mostly solid fuel) and plan missions with my probes... is amazing to see how some concepts (gravity, mass, acceleration... but also delta V) can be quickly understood by young minds... One of the first things i decided when i bought the game was "ill play this with her..." and i think is a great point for a game... but i think that "game" is a limitative definition for KSP, seeing how far it can bring his players...
  2. I started to play this great game just few weeks ago, i never experienced the Space Kraken and, to be honest, reading the forum i was figuring some kind of weird monster that would give the game an arcadish unwanted flavour... But yesterday evening, testing a new .20 rocket i experienced a mad behaviour of it, while trying to burn prograde to raise my orbit... and i understood... I don't know if the community will decide for a new name... the bug is related to physiscs... but my feeling was like if some evil presence was driving my rocket... Some kind of "Dark Jebediah" that just bypass your pc input... so that's my suggestion... (also MadJeb or DarkJeb...)
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