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Posts posted by Hatsune_Neko

  1. i have it setup on steam to run Launcher.exe with the options set to run KSP on 64bit. so its not a hack.

    though i may have forgotten to re update that option after the updates. it might have reset the launch path i set for it.

    and i did double check on that, it did indeed remove my custom launch option so i could use the 64bit version.

    so instead it was running the 32bit version. my bad.

  2. So after going thru and updating all my mods i use after KSP tells me which ones are out of date.

    sadly it seems i keep crashing during load. and i have no idea whats causing it.

    first crashdump file. this is durring when i was finding out which mods where incompatible and then upgrading them.


    second after getting all my mods updated. just as sudden in the crashing.


    my log file as stated that you needed.


    plus my Dxdiag just in case.


    Mods used. If version not posted its because i don't know the version number. or cant find it.

    [0.90] B9 Aerospace | Release 5.2.8



    DMagic Orbital Science

    Equestrian Flags









    KSPAPIExtensions.dll v1.7.4

    KWRocketry 2.7


    MechJeb2 2.5.1


    NearFutureConstruction 0.5.3

    NearFutureElectrical 0.5.1

    NearFuturePropulsion 0.5.1

    NearFutureSolar 0.5.2

    NovaPunch2 [1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09





    Squad ( current game version :P )


    Virgin Kalactic

  3. I downloaded the new version MechJeb, and I discovered a new bug, which previously did not have.

    On the right side of the screen I have no control bar, so I can not turn on any panel. Panels that were turned on, disappeared.

    On the MechJeb lit red control, and do not work any options that were previously on, such as speed limits, or overload (acceleration) limit.

    New version I just rewrote the old place (on Gamedata folder), but when I discovered the error, I tried to solve the problem completely deleting MechJeb and expanding new download. Unfortunately, I still have the same result.

    I have to add my 2 cents in as well

    for i am having the same issue, i'm using career mode and so far all i see is a tiny black dot where as if i click on it nothing happens. if i click an hold, some times i can get the little box to expand ( in a few different sizes i mite add ) but i can not get the control panel or task bar to show up.

    I have researched a large portion of the tech so i got what i believe to be most of mechjeb researched.

    i went back to curse and re read the instructions but after redownloading, and reinstalling the mod, its still the same issue.

    took a couple pictures of it.

    Outside my first space station, got it together before the last update when mechjeb was working


    this one i got in a bit closer


    and this is of my new lander, you can easily see the black dot on the solar panel


    this is before i joined my space station together and the last update.

    can clearly see the MJ button, same place as in the enw version but now its just a black dot instead of a button.


    hope this helps for i love this addon. got me into orbit first time and learned how to stay there. course i still cant dock with out it lol

  4. Yes, it does work in career start. The AR202 module (with basic functionality) appears in an early node, then various more advanced functions provided are unlocked in further nodes. If you have already unlocked those nodes then you need to view the tech tree, click on nodes, and in the panel on the right select the Mechjeb modules/functions and research them.

    Thank you


  5. Dude, problem can be that you have RCS on different diameter parts. then its problem to dock even for autopilot, because it has to correct like crazy for every movement. also i havent seen your dockingport which you then select as "control from here" because if that one is 45° rotated to RCS, then again its much more complicated for mechjeb to compensate.


    didnt know that

  6. Does your craft have rcs for sideways movement? Difficult to dock without that.

    yes it does

    The space station


    The space Ship


    I am also updating pictures as i use the addon. to show what i am doing


  7. omg 163 pages lol okies that like way to many for me to try and read thru.

    i haves a question. i am using your most current version of your addon. I am also a rookie when it comes to KSP and piloting.

    i use a keyboard for all my maneuverings plus your addon. works great up untill we get to the docking with my core space station.

    I know im new to docking and stuff, have watched youtube videos on docking. but for some reason i just cant dock. even using this addon i still cant.

    and its becoming very frustrating for me.

    I have a rocket now that can get into orbit with enough fuel. i have a station. i used the auto docking, and it just flyies by the docking port i have selected. am i like missing something??

    please help!!!!!!! cause i cant dock manualy!! i tried many ties.. made some nice fire works when i tried. but the loss of kerbil life was massive when the parts came down from orbit.

    Cant Dock ( using .20 KSP and Mechjeb v2.0.8 )

  8. Thanks yeah, it's an issue with the scale =1 in the part.cfg files, I am basically updating all the mods in order of popularity, so pegasus then the eagle etc.. anything that had over 10,000 downloads gets priority.


    Ill keep an eye out for when the mods i use are updated then.

    sucks that over 1/2 of my parts just went poof. and lost my first ever station i was trying to build hehe

  9. I find I have better luck if I'm viewing the decoupler from a steep angle from above (when attaching the tanks near the top of the decoupler) or below *when attaching them from the bottom) so that your cursor is over the decoupler, but NOT over the tank behind it. If you have issues attaching the tanks at the point on the decoupler you're aiming for, try dropping the tank somewhere free-floating, then picking it back up again from another point, effectively 'grabbing' it from a point higher up or lower down its length, allowing you to reposition your cursor for better placement. As always use symmetry to place as many tanks at once to avoid balance issues. Deal with the staging issues later.

    and i thought i was the only one, but i tend to look down and into the tank when i attach the extra tanks. zooming in close untill you get that green you can attach now go ahead. allows me finer control of how high or low to place the tanks in question. works best on the low profile decouple-rs ones i have found out.

  10. ahh

    well dankies for the update then =(^.^)=

    and yep trying to figure out the new update,, seams to have broken most of my mods.

    I lost all my heavy lifters!! Cries nuuuu!!!!!!

    heheh. and zooms off to go hunting for fixes

  11. Waves and Grins.

    Just saying hi and stuff like that..

    Had KSP for a bit now, just didnt realize i didnt have a Forum account setup hehe.. thats fixed :sticktongue:

    First forum where i got stumped on how to upload my avatar.. or its broken, not sure which yet.

    ehh oh well like hi and stuff. and dont mind me, this silly kittah is ok. she loves this game!!!!!!!

    erm me yea like whatever lol. any who.. dankies for this awesome sauce game..


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