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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. My favorite are Kirk, Munwise and Ferley. Ferley made my first docking, non MJ moon landing, and he was very brave and a genius!
  2. You can basically already do that. If you wanted to do the Mun landing thing or whatever, just build the rocket how you want, like missing a leg. Launch it into orbit or wherever, quicksave. Then put the save file up for download. P.S. I think if you drag the save or persistence into the scenarios folder, it works like one.
  3. I love it. So much. All of you are so nice and I haven't been trolled ever. I think I may have ONE little rude thing ever said to me. And, that's pretty amazing compared to other forums, and the first time I played Starcraft, someone said "I hate all these idiot noobs slowing our team down, they're so ****ing annoying". So yeah, I love it. Thanks guys!
  4. I can do that, but then the SSTO is too heavy for an aerospike or LVT-130. And there is no room to add another one. And then if I make the SSTO bigger it's either too heavy or doesn't have enough DV. That's kinda my main problem. Either too heavy or not enough DV. :\
  5. I. Just. Can't. Do. It. SSTO's hate me. Any tips? Please?
  6. I'd rather not, it makes it feel less special... but... give me a few hours to try and get it working, ok?
  7. Noooo... I wasn't able to finish my SSTO in time. It's not like I'll ever get it working anyways...
  8. I'm trying to make a SSTO with 8000+ DV but I can't...
  9. Wantwantwantwantwantwantwantwantwantwantwant.
  10. I really think the whole crazy Kerbal thing is a good thing for SQUAD. I was telling my friend about KSP one day and he's like, "so you go to other planets and build rocket?" And I'm like, "yeah, and you blow things up." And instantly he asks for the website link and buys it, now he's really into space travel and NASA stuff.
  11. Universe replacer, as stated above. Album: http://imgur.com/a/qrnRA
  12. Yeh... so Rareden... could you maybe pm me the Kerbal model... like, you know, the one without the missing parts... Sorry for asking so much, I just want to try an animation with it and I CAN NOT model. At all. Well that's it, thanks.
  13. Haha, that wasn't really the point to look realistic , it was sorta a dramatization. Lol. I'm using a font called Space Age I downloaded somewhere, shouldn't be hard to find. Edit: You KINDA like it or you like it? Lol. Just kidding, I know it's not very good.
  14. No... but remember you sent me the Kerbal but some parts were missing?
  15. Rareden, have you found the rest of the Kerbal model? I REALLY WANT A KERBAL!
  16. I'll add another post to this quick posting thread then... so is there ANYONE willing to make that Kerbal suit and helmet I asked about earlier?...
  17. Can someone please make me a a suit like the original just black and white with this logo on it?
  18. Wait so how do I do this whole EVA suit customization mablobby flobby thingamabob shenanigan? Anyways, love the mod!
  19. ^ Ohmygosh another Turtle!!!!! In all seriousness though. Well for one thing, you should use about 2 intakes for each engine, an you typically only need 1 engine, 2 engines are dangerous at high altitudes, only use 2 engines if you have a heavy plane. Also the amount of wings depends on the mass of the plane. Once you get the hang of it it's not too hard. Also, if your plane isn't lifting of, make sure your rear landing gear is JUST behind the COM. Also, only use RAM intakes, the other ones are heavy and make planes unstable. Typically having too much drag is from overbuilding, KSP calculates drag not on the shape of your design but the parts on you design, so a plane with a flat nose would go faster than a plane with a nose cone, because the nose cone is another piece.
  20. Wow! That new one is awesome! I love how the wheels dig into the Dunian soil.
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