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Posts posted by strideknight

  1. It seems like the config file says there should be a 100% chance for Karborundum to be around Kerbol, but is there a reason it might not be there at all?  Or a way to somehow peak at the distribution map for a given seed?

    I ask because I built a Kerbol collector setup, went to put it into orbit, but couldn't find Karborundum anywhere around the sun.  I ended up using hyperedit with the scanner and stepping away from the sun in 50Mm increments all the way to 15Gm, and I couldn't find anything.  I thought my game was broken, so I loaded up a fresh install with just K+, the CRP, ModuleManager and Hyperedit, and found it immediately at 5.2Gm.  Completely baffled, I tried putting the resource seed from the new game into my old game and voila - I was able to immediately find K+ at 5.2Gm just like I did in the new game.

    I'm completely stumped as to where it could be hiding, and I have mining stuff setup already so I'm loathe to just change my resource seed.  Any thoughts offhand?  Thanks.


    Edit: I just took a look at the actual distributions, and there's a much higher level of everything on the new seed so I'm thinking I will keep it anyways, lol.  That being said, any input would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I don't suppose there's an easy way to reactivate the overheating part code and recompile is there?  Because I think I'm still experiencing the bug.  I described it here; https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/51pnah/station_suddenly_being_destroyed_on_docking/

    Not sure what is going on but trying to find other people with a similar problem led me to here, just thought I'd ask.

  3. I'm running a pretty heavily modded game at the moment, full USI suite, OPM, another system based on kopernicus, bunch of other stuff, but I've been getting an error sometimes on switching between the tracking station and the center scenes.  Not sure if it's a Custom Asteroids issue or one of the mods, but I thought I'd post it and ask.  Here's a pic:  ST5BT1L.jpg


    I've got asteroids in kerbin orbits as well as the trans jool ones so they're definitely showing up otherwise. That error was just a bit wonky.  Thanks.

  4. I'm having a weird bug where I made a crane, and any time I have something picked up, either with the electromagnet or the grappling hook, if I have to quickload (meaning, I tipped it over and it blew up, hehe) it automatically drops the payload which disappears into oblivion. In the case of the grappling hooks, they also apparently detach and disappear with it. The electromagnets stay attached fine tho.

    Don't suppose anybody has any experience with this or how to fix it?

    Here's what I'm doing: http://i.imgur.com/AfQUCH6.png


  5. Thanks for your continued work on this, its a nice low overhead way to add alot of gameplay :)

    Maybe just add one line in the OP that this was previously called PFR for a few weeks, just so idiots like me don't spend five minutes trying to figure out if its the same thing or not hehe

    - - - Updated - - -


    If have been looking for a planet changer mod for longer and stumbled over this. Nice work, lot of addings over the last days. Cool. I have 2 questions.

    Can someone post a picture of the whole system from above (found none)? So that the orbits of the new and old planets can be seen.

    Are there plans for the future to add recources (Regolithmod or something)?

    Just to add to what Augustus said, while you can do that if you want specific chances of finding things, RoverDude actually set it up so every planet has a random chance of whatever materials by default. The only resource for which thats not true is Karborundum from K+, karbonite and all the other ones should automatically appear (random number generator willing).

  6. Now this, this is good. I have never really had much reason to build "colonies," for the very reason that they will never get beyond me shipping out ever-larger life support containers and living quarters. Perhaps I will build one, now.

    EDIT: Do the new Kerbals take time to clone, or are they instantaneously created?

    Kloning occurs instantaneously. For the Kuddle Shack I'd like to have a delay built in, I don't know if 3 months sounds ridiculous - based on relative size to humans/gestation rates.

    Now all we need are baby kerbals.

    That'd be pretty nifty. Then have a training school where you can specialize their role.

    There's actually settings for both Tourist and Civilian in the kerbal's info. I'm not sure what it does/if its implemented at all, but it'd be fun to build them out and have infrastructure required. Say X number of civilians to support a base of Y size... now that I think about it, that'd be pretty damn nifty and not hard to code...

    I always figured the kerbals reproduce via budding and asexual reproduction.

    Yeah, but where's the fun in that?!

  7. If its all cool with your Strideknight I was gonna make a new part to use with your plugin :)

    I wanted to integrate it into MKS, so that it uses a significant amount of recourses used in MKS. (like biomass, spare parts etc) to make the kloneing expensive (as it should be)

    Edit: New version is up, branded it with MKS/OKS. Also, increasing the resources sounds good to me, tbh. I wasn't sure what a good place to start with is, but thats about what it a lone kerbal and aeropod will make in roughly two weeks. The ResourceMods.cfg file is already setup for it and can easily be changed to whatever.

    Either way tho, feel free to use it however you'd like :)

  8. How do low-tier astronaut complexes handle this?

    Thats a good question, I haven't tried it yet on a non-upgraded one. I wonder how it handles rescue missions too for that matter.

    Also, what about some kind of method to force you to have two Kerbals, one with a male name, one with a female name, with a female name defined by what TextureReplacer sees a female name to be and oh my god I just realized this is a horrible idea.

    Hehehe, I was thinking the same thing for the Kuddle Shack, but honestly, I find TextureReplacer's female name recognition isn't great (not it's fault, just the nature of names obviously). But since you can't even have females without using TR *finger wag at Squad*, I was going to have a requirement of two kerbals but not do anything further for the ease of use.

    Maybe a better option would be to have a built in way to name the Kerbals when they're... produced. Then popup the TR window to replace the texture if I can?

  9. Hey RoverDude, I think I'm behind on some your threads. I grabbed your all in one download a few days ago, and saw the AMT folder, which I think is Asteroid Mining Technologies. That's not related to ART, right? Is there a thread for AMT, or is AMT the successor to ART? Really digging the regolith parts you had in the preview, btw..

    Check out: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96011-WIP-Advanced-Mining-Technologies

    Its nifty :)

  10. I like this gonna test it out for a bit.

    Im assuming i can KloneBay module to a part and use it as a Kloneing facility yes?

    This would go very nice with MKS.

    EDIT: Also noticed the accident rate field. Totally like that idea =P Maybe a way to lower the accident rate as you progress in tech?

    Yup, should be able to. I was actually thinking of asking RoverDude if I could mod the texture for the BioLab for this - that was what I had in mind when I made it.

    Good idea about the tech progression, I'll look into it!

  11. Kerbthulhu Kinetics Program's MoarKerbals

    This is a fairly simple mod that adds two parts, an orbital station and ground station Klone Bay, that lets you klone your kerbals. There's a small chance that an accident can happen - this is experimental technology after all :wink: You can disable accidents or change the requirements in the part's .cfg file if you want, or just save before operating.

    It requires a large amount of electricity to operate, and I always play with Roverdude's MKS and TAC's Life Support, so it automatically integrates with them to require Biomass or other materials. Also, I included configs for the Community Tech Tree. Both require ModuleManager to integrate.

    MoarKerbals was inspired by my desire to have a small colony of Kerbals living in zeppelins around Jool who populate the planet, evolve their own society, and then to go to war with the "grounders" back on Kerbin.

    This is my first mod and it runs fine on both my 32bit/64bit installs, so let me know if you find any bugs. All constructive feedback/suggestions are also welcome. Enjoy!

    To do

    • Kerbal Inheritance
    • I plan on adding a second part, the "Kuddle Shack" that will let you make new Kerbals in the more... traditional sense.
    • Recipes may require re-balancing
    • Kerbal training program for specialty

    -Other mod idea: Use civilian/tourist kerbal setting to create base infrastructure requirements - X civilians to support Y sized base.

    Known bugs

    • Because I use the stock lander can for internals, which is only sized internally for two, if you clone a third kerbal into the bay it won't show up in the kerbal profiles at the bottom right. They will show up properly once you transfer them to another module though.

    Dropbox Download

    KerbalStuff Download

    Source and license are included in the zip.

    Change Log


    -Now with 100% more parts, includes an OKS branded orbital pod and an MKS branded ground version. Original textures from the awesome RoverDude.

    -Added success/failure sounds


    -Initial Release


    CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA


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  12. Love the mod, but I found kind of a funny bug. I noticed none of my LKO rescue missions were showing up on the tracking center, so I checked Blacky Karman, and there were my poor Kerbals. Makes me laugh because its very black hole-ish behavior, but no way they're getting rescued from there.

    Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/IN5wbx3.jpg

    Edit: I kind of want to leave them there and that will be my goal on this save, a Blacky Karman rescue.

  13. Thanks for the great app. Just curious, if I try to apply it to either my PlanetFactory or StarSystems folders from this pack (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103298-0-90-Working-Multiple-Star-Systems%28WITH-PLANETS%21%29), it skips all the files within it. But if I select the individual files within the directories it will convert them, but not rename the old ones or back them up. They're not on the exception list, so I'm not sure why they'd be treated differently? Not a big deal since everything else is converted they're not that bad, just curious if I should bother to go through and do each one manually or if it'll break something. Thanks.

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